Updates - BER - TLV 14/05/2024

DVRD.DDR Tel Aviv - IL -- Botschaft Moskau - RF - 14 /05 /2024

India Time Zone

Tuesday, 14. May 2024 (GMT+5:30) Time in New Delhi, Delhi, India


Indian Air Force - IAF - ready for take off !

Friday, September 30, 2022

Finland’s ‘party PM’ Sanna Marin filmed dancing intimately with a star

Olavi Uusvirta - just a "Friend"

Markus Raikkonen - Husband

Finland’s All-Female Coalition Government - Women dominate Finnish cabinet

Finland by Day - Politically Correct !

Finland by Night - Wild Partying - Night Clubs - Fun Time !

illustration photo

Sanna Marin - PM

Olavi Uusivirta - Anna Mulle Lovee // Me and Sanna are just "Friends" going wild in Helsinki's nightclubs - it's not an "affair" (what defines an affair ? - ongoing or every once in a while ?)

Olavi Uusvirta on the prowl ? He was married for six years 2015-2021 and then divorced ....
and hubby Markus sits at home watching their baby daughter while Finnish PM mommy has fun with her " friends " ....

Pop star Olavi Uusivirta said he and Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin are not having an affair amid reports he “kissed” her.

The Finnish pop star said that he and the prime minister were just friends
Pop star Olavi Uusivirta said he and Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin are not having an affair amid reports he “kissed” her.

The Finnish pop star said on his official instagram account that he and the prime minister were just friends and that nothing inappropriate had happened between them.
(who would not deny or say anything to confirm - The question is how Markus is handling this ? )

One witness at the nightclub claimed Marin was seen dancing with three men.
“She also sat on the laps of two different men. She placed her hand next to one man and he held her gently by the arm,” the bystander told Finish outlet Seiska.
This is the second clip to emerge of Marin in recent days after a previous video of her partying hard led to calls for her to take a drug test.
Marin has denied using drugs and has taken a drug test, with the results expected in the coming days.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Sanna Marin bilettää ja sekoilee humalassa

Finland’s ‘party PM’ Sanna Marin filmed dancing intimately with a star

Finland’s PM Sanna Marin has been filmed dancing in a nightclub in Helsinki, with her arms around Finnish singer Olavi Uusivirta.

Finland PM Viral Video: Sanna Marin Party Video Sparks Row; Finnish PM Appears To Be Drunk

Finland PM Sanna Marin in tears after backlash over party video; 'I too sometimes long for joy' ...

FirstPost - India - 75,431 views Sep 29, 2022 : Nord Stream Declared Dead? Europe Loses its Energy Lifeline

75,431 views Sep 29, 2022 Russia is pretty angry. It is being accused of blowing up two massive pipelines that it built after spending billions of dollars. Mind you, the Nord Stream pipelines remained Russia’s biggest leverage against Europe. Now, everyone is saying Moscow blew them up itself. That makes little sense, and Russia is pushing hard. The Nord Stream leaks, and the fact that the blasts caused significant damage to the pipelines has led to a major escalation between the West and Russia. Russia has launched an “international terrorism probe” into the matter, while Europe is sharpening its own axe and vowing retaliation for the sabotage. Europe, by the way, has the most to lose due to the Nord Stream crisis. Watch to know more.

Russland-Sanktionen: EU-Kommission schlägt Ausweitung vor - Von der Leyen in ihrem Element ! EU in der Krise ! Der Westen tobt !

Von der Leyen haut mal wieder grossspurig auf die Pauke ! Die europaeische " IRON LADY " (Margeret Thatcher Style)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Rufst Du, mein Vaterland - Der Michel - Former Anthem of Switzerland - A... - Mitternacht 5. Mai 1968 - Schweizer Grenze - es erklingen die Hymnen Deutschlands und der Schweiz - meiner neuer Zukunft entgegen

Scorpions feat Lyn Liechty - Here In My Heart (russian subs)

Companies Ditch Europe to Shift Manufacturing to the United States

Germany’s Energy Crunch is Pushing Volkswagen Away


Be reminded of the comrades of the former Soviet Union, today's Russia and the CIS, the Eastern Bloc, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Latin America and North America as well as in Asia, above all the People's Republic of China!

Anyone who thinks that communism and socialism were overrun by the West will be taught better in due course! The hour will come when all old rope teams and workers' hearts will flare up and the capitalists and fascists will shake off the yoke when the slogan will sound : " NOW WORKING PEOPLE STAND UP AND STORM BE KINDLED "

前苏联东亚历史学会中国 - 莫斯科俄罗斯总部
People's Republic of China
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Lao People's Democratic Republic

Republic of India
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


Der Legionär

Gefährliche Eskalation - Wie uns Baerbock und Co immer weiter in den Krieg hineinziehen...

Friday, September 23, 2022

Capri c'ést fini

Die Bombardierung von Dresden: Mythos und Wahrheit | Terra X

Hamburg '45 - Verwüstung mittels "Operation Gomorrha"


Allierte Kriegsverbrecher: USA - Grossbritannien - Frankreich - ihr wahren Menschenfreunde wie habt ihr unschuldige Menschen massenhaft aus der Luft vernichtet ! Ihr habt Lazaretstaedte angegriffen - keine militaerischen Ziele - es galt Deutschland zu zermuerben und zu vernichten

Hildegard (meine Tante)- Krankenschwester
starb mit 22 Jahren im Wandsbeker Krankenhaus während des Dienstes in dem Flammeninferno der Allierten Luftangriffe auf Hamburg Juli 1943 Operationen " Ghomorra " und Feuersturm ...

Über eine Million Tonnen Bomben wurden im Zweiten Weltkrieg auf mehr als 1000 Städte und Ortschaften in Deutschland abgeworfen. Zwischen Mai 1940 und 1945 kostete der Terror aus der Luft etwa 500.000 Menschen, überwiegend Frauen, Kinder und Alte, das Leben. Amtlichen Schätzungen zufolge kamen allein in der letzten Kriegsphase von Januar bis Mai 1945 rund 130.000 Menschen bei Luftangriffen um. Seit dem Mittelalter gewachsene Städte verbrannten in einem Feuersturm, der mit dem Abwurf von Stabbrandbomben auf die Zentren gezielt entfacht wurde. Hamburg und Dresden gingen als Fanale ins nationale Gedächtnis ein. Doch auch weitere 160 Städte wie Pforzheim, Dortmund, Darmstadt, Krefeld, Kassel oder Halberstadt wurden regelrecht eingeäschert.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Monday, September 19, 2022

@FirstPost (India) : EU Threatens to Block $7.5 Billion in Funds to Hungary

Weidel: Verfassungsschutz verunglimpft AfD I ZDF-Sommerinterview

Generaldebatte des Bundestags: Rede von Alice Weidel (AfD) am 07.09.22 !

Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Policy & "West's False Narrative" Stoking Tensions with Russia, China ...

Democracy Now! - 1.14M subscribers

We discuss Western hegemony and U.S. policy in Russia, Ukraine and China with Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs, whose new article is headlined "The West's False Narrative About Russia and China." Sachs says the bipartisan U.S. approach to foreign policy is "unaccountably dangerous and wrongheaded," and warns the U.S. is creating "a recipe for yet another war" in East Asia.

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at https://democracynow.org Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Eine deutsche Frau Nr. - 10 Was uns bleibt

(Beste Version) »Flandern in Not« • Deutsches Volkslied [+Liedtext]

Ankunft in Israel - 18. September 1967 - 19:10

13 Elul 5727 - 18 September 1967 - arriving in Israel on an Air France Flight : the time is 19:10 - the sky is colored in various shades of purple - I am expected

Koeln-Bonn - 18. September 1967
Ein neunzehnjaehriger Beamter des Auswaertigen Amtes besteigt die Lufthansa Maschine nach Athen, Sein Ziel - Deutsche Botschaft Tel Aviv - Israel. Zum ersten Mal sitzt er im Flugzeug, er spuert dass sich ihm eine neue Welt auftut.
Der Flug verlaeuft ruhig und das Gefuehl der Weite ueber den Wolken ist unbeschreiblich schoen, Freiheit und Herausforderung zugleich,ungestuem und tief beeindruckend ... Er fliegt einer neuen Zukunft entgegen und empfindet seltsam ein tiefes inneres Gefuehl, das ihn in Erregung versetzt, dieser erste Flug hat etwas Besonderes,Schicksalhaftes. Drei Monate soll die Abordnung dauern, so steht es in dem "Marschbefehl", er habe seine Englischkenntnisse zu vertiefen, so lautet die Auflage seiner Vorgesetzten in Bonn.

Nach kurzem Zwischen-Aufenthalt in Athen beginnt der letzte Abschnitt dieser Reise, eine Maschine der Air France bringt ihn und die Mitreisenden sicher nach Tel Aviv. Die Erregung ist gross, er zittert und bekommt eine Gaensehaut.Es ist 19:10 der Himmel ist rot purpurfarben, die Dunkelheit setzt rasch ein ohne Uebergang, ein ungewohntes, fazinierendes Schauspiel
Tel Aviv war seine Wahl,der erste Auslandsposten.
Das Leiden und Sterben, die systematische Ausrottung des juedischen Volkes war tief in seiner Seele eingegraben, der Holocaust liess ihn seit seiner Kindheit nicht mehr los. Die Henker und Monster mit dem Totenkopfabzeichen waren Deutsche, sprachen seine Muttersprache, sangen die gleichen Lieder ....

Jeden Tag waehrend der Ausbildung schaute er auf zum Davidstern der neuen Synagoge in Bonn, die sich genau gegenueber dem Auswaertigen Amt befindet.
Juni 1967, der Sechs-Tage Krieg lag erst ein paar Monate zurueck....
Gross war damals die Sorge um die Existenz Israels
Nasser hatte die Ausradierung Israel grosspurig und lauthals verkuendet
Doch es gelang der Israelischen Armee auch diesmal wieder das Blatt mit Gottes Hilfe zu wenden
Die Erleichterung,der Siegestaumel,die Unschlagbarkeit der israelischen Armee,Euphorie und Zuversicht praegten das neue Israel nach 1967.
Eine Euphorie die einen bitteren Beigeschmack erhalten sollte, Besatzung - KIBUSH

Fluechtlinge, neues Leid, schweres Los. Palaestinas Schattenseite. Die Palaestinenser hatten sich den Sieg erhofft,nun erwartete sie groesseres Leid als je zuvor. Neue Fluechtlingslager, das Trauma von 1948 erhielt neuen Auschwung mit dem Trauma von 1967. Die Zahl der Fluechtlinge wuchs,das Leid war unertraeglich, die Zahl der Lager wuchs,die Tragoedie nimmt weiterhin ihren Lauf.
Die dreimonatige Abordnung wird noch einmal um drei Monate verlaengert.
Ich habe bereits neue Order, "Strassburg" lautet der naechste Auslandsposten, doch das Schicksal wollte es anders ...aus 6 Monaten wurden 55 Jahre - aus Traeumen vom Glueck wurden Alptraeume und Enttaeuschungen - nach 55 Jahren ist es immer noch mein Wohnort aber nicht meine Heimat

Sing with Karl - Der Tod erschrak vor meinen sechzehn Jahren [+ Translation] ...

Wir rufen deine Wölfe [German neo folk song][+English translation]

Der Stein weit im Korn [German neofolk song][+English translation]

Eine deutsche Frau Nr. 7 - Der Schnitter Tod (Volkslied)

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland [Patriotic German unification song][+Eng...

Ich hab mich ergeben [Patriotic German song][+English translation]

O Deutschland! - Neue Deutsche Hymne?! - Der Michel - New German Anthem?!

New UK Anthem - God Save the King

Ostpreußenlied [Anthem of East Prussia][+English translation]

Das Lied der Deutschen [Full German anthem][+English translation]

Putin to Europe: If you want gas then open Nord Stream 2 | Putin denies weaponising energy | WION (India) ...

Was wollen wir trinken (am Tag der Freiheit) - Der Michel - Song for the Freedom of Germany...

Poljuschko Pole - Deutsch-Russische Version - German-Russian Version - Der Michel - Cossack Patrol ...

Friday, September 16, 2022

Stolz weht die Flagge Schwarz-Weiß-Rot - All Stanzas - Alle Strophen - Der Michel ...

Am Brunnen vor dem Tore - Der Michel - All Stanzas

Weit ist der Weg zurück ins Heimatland / Pack up your troubles - Der Michel...

WION Fineprint | U.S. considers China sanctions to deter Taiwan action (Indian Media)

FirstPost - India : Nobody is Going to Save Europe from an Energy Crisis, Certainly Not the United States ...

FirstPost - India : One German Chemical Plant Can Bring Europe to its Breaking Point

WAGENKNECHT: „Die Sanktionen gegen Russland richten bei uns massiven Schaden an... (Westdeutschland)

Die große Göttin [German neofolk song][+English translation]

18.9.1967 - 2022 : 55 Jahre in Israel wo Traeume zu Alptraeumen wurden

שנים של חוסר תקווה לשיפור

Das Heilige Land ist in Dunkelheit gehuellt ! Das grelle Sonnenlicht vermag nicht die Dunkelheit und Hoffnungslosigkeit aus den Herzen ihrer Einwohner zu verbannen. Neurosen und krankhafte Depressionen anstatt Freude und Glueck !

Schlaege und Gegenschlaege lassen beide Nationen bluten... Normalitaet ist nur eine Illusion ! NICHTS ist normal oder wird sich je normalisieren im "Heiligen" zerstrittenen, zerissenen Lande (Terra Sancta). Palaestinenser und Israelische Militanten ziehen die bewaffnete blutige Konfrontation vor anstatt ueber Friedenskompromisse nachzudenken und zu verhandeln. Beide Voelker haben ein Recht auf die Wahrheit und ein Recht auf Sicherheit und Frieden ! Disaster sind nur einen Steinwurf entfernt - schwebt ueber unseren Koepfen in der Luft - immerzu - Das muss aufhoeren ! Kann der Bann der Gewalt jemals gebrochen werden ?

The Holy Land is covered in Darkness for much too long The bright sunlight does not manage to chase the darkness out of the hearts of it's inhabitants Darkness and dispair - Neurosis and Mania Depression instead of Joy and Happiness !

Blows and counter-blows drain both nations Normality is just an Illusion NOTHING is or will be normal around the Holy Land in this current limbo state. Palestinian and Israeli Militants prefer armed confrontation instead of serious peace talks ansd compromise Both people have a right to the truth and a right to security and peace ! Disaster is one stone-throw away - looms over our heads - hangs in the air - always - This must stop - can the violent spell ever be broken ?

Rising prices, faltering output: Europe's struggling energy sector | DW ... (West German Media)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

'Germany is Afraid of Russia,' Ukraine Slams Berlin After Putin-Scholz Call (Indian Media)

Bundesdeutsche Wehrmacht wird aufgeruestet mit 100 Millarden Euro ! Olaf Scholz Bundeskanzler von Amerikas Gnaden hat es am 27.02.22 verkuendet !

Deutsche Wehrmacht

Die Gruendungsvaeter der Bundeswehr(macht) - 1956 : Hitlers Generaele

Published on Nov 30, 2012) - Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg - www.rbb-online.de

Unselige Traditionspflege bei der Bundeswehr

Nach Kontraste-Recherchen wurde auf einer offiziellen Veranstaltung der Bundeswehr zum Volkstrauertag ungehindert Liedgut der Waffen-SS vorgetragen. Einer der renommiertesten deutschen Forschungspreise für Militärhistoriker ist nach einem ehemaligen SS-Mitglied benannt. Noch immer sind zahlreiche Bundeswehrkasernen nach Wehrmachtsoffizieren benannt, die tief in die nationalsozialistische Rassen- und Eroberungspolitik verstrickt waren. Obwohl dies dem Bundesverteidigungsministerium bekannt ist, wurden die Kasernen nicht umbenannt.

Deutsche Bundeswehrmachts Panzer rollen gen Osten - auf Befehl Amerikas, NATO

Zur Lage in der Ukraine - Stellungnahme gegen Russland Hetze im Facebook - 26.02.22 - 01:00 MSK !

26.02.22 - 01:00 MSK ! 8 Jahre lang wurden unsere Buerger im Donbass bombadiert und viele wurden getoetet, trotz Minsker Vereinbarungen ! Aber wen hat das interessiert ? Jetzt wo Russland den vollen Schutz uebernommen hat wird Russland angeprangert !

Wir bedauern sehr dass Frauen und Kinder ins Kreuzfeuer geraten und die Russische Armee bemueht sich keine Zivilisten zu treffen, aber uns vorzuwerfen, und das vor allem noch aus Deutschland, das wir Krieg gegen unschuldige Frauen und Kinder fuehren ist eine bodenlose Frechheit und Verwerflichkeit, eine grosse Heuchelei ! Es war die Deutsche Wehrmacht, eine Monsterwehrmacht die brandschatzend und mordend in die Sowjetunion einfiel, die wahrlich Frauen und Kinder, Greise und Juden systematisch auf grausamste Weise vernichtet haben ! Da unterstellt ihr uns eine gleiche Handelsweise wie diese Barbaren ?

8 Millionen Russen in der Ukraine sind den Ukrainischen Nazi Handlangern und Neo-Nazis schutzlos ausgeliefert, die damalige Regierungschefin Julia Tymoschenko wurde in einer internen Sicherheitsbesprechung belauscht und soll die Toetung von allen Russen in der Ukraine mit Nuklear Waffen gefordert haben.

Mit EU und NATO rueckte man immer naeher an Russland, das "verhasste" und "gefuerchtete" Russland heran, alle Verhandlungen zu Sicherheitsforderung der Russsischen Fuehrung wurde von oben herab runtergemacht und unserem Aussenminister vor die Fuesse geworfen !!! Amerika laesst nichts ungeschehen um Russland fertig zu machen ! Die Hauptschuldigen an der jetztigen Lage sind in Washington und nicht in Moskau zu suchen !!!
Gennady Pahl-Vishnevsky - PMOH - Sonderbeauftragter - Ost - DVRD DDR

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Did NATO promise Russia never to expand to the east? | DW News (West German Media)

OLAF DER (LAUT) STARKE ! schreit Gewalt - Russland ist kein zuverlässiger Handelspartner !!! - Nordstream1 = Gas Kürzungen - Vertragsbruch usw ...

Hallo OLAF ! Sag mal spinnst Du ? Du schreist nach Sanktionen und Bestrafungen gegen Russland, und sprichst von " Vertragsbruch " und " unzuverlaessiger Handelspartner " - Hol mal tief Luft Olaf bevor man Dich im hohen Bogen aus dem Kanzleramt schmeisst ! Wart ab bis alle zittern und frieren, dann loeffelst Du die Suppe aus die Du allen eingebrockt hast !
Du, Ursula und Annelena versucht euch gegenseitig zu uebertrumpfen in Sachen Russland Sanktionen ! Will der brave Olaf von dem Onkel in Amerika gelobt und gepriesen werden !
Ach Olaf, Olaf ...

Guten Morgen ihr West Pfeifen !

Sahra Wagenknecht: Die dümmste Regierung Europas - Können wir die Ampel stoppen?

Was Halbverrückte bei den Grünen, aber auch Friedrich Merz von der CDU schon im Frühjahr gefordert haben, hat Putin jetzt wahr gemacht: Über Nord Stream I fließt kein Gas mehr - mit der Folge, dass die Preise für Gas, aber auch Lebensmittel weiter nach oben schießen. Millionen Menschen haben Angst vor der Zukunft. Zu recht. Denn kaum ein Land ist derart abhängig von russischen Rohstoffen und russischer Energie wie Deutschland. Die verrückte Idee der Ampel, gegen unseren wichtigsten Energielieferanten einen Wirtschaftskrieg anzuzetteln, ist der eigentliche Kern des Problems. Wie bescheuert muss man sein, um zu glauben, dass wir Putin bestrafen und der Ukraine helfen, wenn wir Millionen Menschen in unserem Land in Armut stürzen? Mein Video der Woche über das angeblich so "wuchtige" Entlastungspaket der Regierung, warum es dringend mehr Proteste braucht und weshalb wir die Forderungen, für die wir protestieren, nicht weichspülen lassen dürfen. Denn solange der Sanktionspoker die Preise weiter in die Höhe treibt, wird uns das größte Entlastungspaket nicht retten. Zumal wir nicht ganz vergessen sollten: auch die Entlastungen finanziert der Staat nicht mit der Gelddruckmaschine. Sondern die zahlen am Ende wir alle, die Steuerzahler.

Welt: „Gaspreise schießen um bis zu 35 Prozent nach oben“: https://bit.ly/3KX6zQ7
Spiegel: „Krieg in der Ukraine - Merz plädiert für Stopp von Gaslieferungen durch Nord Stream 1“: https://bit.ly/3DefGtI
ntv: „Kein Gas mehr durch die Pipeline Nord Stream 1: Habeck geht nicht von Wiederinbetriebnahme aus“: https://bit.ly/3BsJsd8
Merkur: „Debatte ,zynisch’, Duschtipps ,plump’ – auch Habeck im Gas-Streit plötzlich im Fadenkreuz“: https://bit.ly/3qr8liZ
Businessinsider: „Bis zu 200 Millionen Dollar pro Lieferung: Wie Händler mit dem Export von US-Erdgas nach Europa ein Vermögen machen“: https://bit.ly/3KXdbhg
Handelsblatt: „Gaspreise - So viel kostet Hauseigentümer das Heizen mit Gas jetzt“: https://bit.ly/3B59AJH
Tagesspiegel: „12.000 Euro im Jahr?: So teuer wird es, ein Haus mit Gas zu heizen“: https://bit.ly/3DbAdz9
Spiegel: „Drittes Entlastungspaket - Das ist die Wucht – oder?“: https://bit.ly/3qnZVJ9
Zeit Online: „Entlastungspaket: Koalition will Strompreisbremse für Grundverbrauch einführen“: https://bit.ly/3RJewu8
Manager Magazin: „Milliarden-Entlastungspaket Länder wehren sich gegen Pläne der Ampel-Koalition“: https://bit.ly/3RtFnuH
FAZ: „So funktioniert der Strommarkt“: https://bit.ly/3B49PEv
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, nach: Thomas Grüter: https://bit.ly/3TT75Tg; In:
ZDF: Markus Lanz vom 30. August 2022: https://bit.ly/3LejzRD
Der Standard: „Inflationskrise - Übergewinne für die Steueroasen: Ölmultis mit einer Sondersteuer zu belegen wird nicht leicht werden“: https://bit.ly/3BrIzRU
Tagesschau: „Energiekrise - Frankreich will Strompreise länger deckeln“: https://bit.ly/3RnFAQ1
Tagesschau: „EU erlaubt Ausnahme - Spanien und Portugal deckeln Gaspreis“: https://bit.ly/3QvEZKX
Manager Magazin: „Studie zu Energiepreisen - Übergewinnsteuer könnte bis zu 100 Milliarden Euro bringen“: https://bit.ly/3x5oEpi
Handelsblatt: „Benzinpreise - Mineralölkonzerne verdienen am Ende des Tankrabatts noch mehr“: https://bit.ly/3eDYp2I
Saarbrücker Zeitung: „Spritpreise : Tankrabatt in Frankreich: Bis zu 50 Cent billiger – deutsche Autofahrer stürmen Tankstellen“: https://bit.ly/3eBbutD
Frankfurter Rundschau: „Übergewinne der Energiekonzerne: So machen es Deutschlands Nachbarn“: https://bit.ly/3Brrbg8
Merkur: „Gasumlage zulasten der Bürger: Wie stark haben Konzerne die Regierungsentscheidung beeinflusst?“: https://bit.ly/3KWpNW1
Spiegel: „Proteste in Prag 70.000 Tschechen demonstrieren gegen Ukraine-Politik der Regierung“: https://bit.ly/3qpuxdi
FAZ: „Energiekrise : Familien zahlen mehr als 4000 Euro für Gas im Jahr“: https://bit.ly/3KXvMd4
Spiegel: „41,6 Milliarden Euro Gewinn im ersten Halbjahr - Gazprom verkündet Rekordergebnis und stoppt Lieferung über Nord Stream 1“: https://bit.ly/3RJvHvC
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Totengräber einer Industrienation!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Ich zieh meiner dunklen Straße [German Fahrtenlied][+English translation]

Palästinalied ✟ [German crusader song][compilation]

Die Grenzwacht hielt im Osten [German folk song][+English translation]

Die Eisenfaust am Lanzenschaft ✠ [German knight style song]

What to expect from King Charles III

Friday, September 9, 2022

„Wie bescheuert ist das denn? Wir haben die dümmste Regierung Europas!“ WAGENKNECHT teilt aus (Westdeutschland)

„Wie bescheuert ist das denn? Wir haben die dümmste Regierung Europas!“ WAGENKNECHT teilt aus 1,135,425 views Sep 8, 2022 Wegen seiner Aussagen zu möglichen Firmeninsolvenzen in Folge der Energiekrise steht Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck unter Beschuss durch die Opposition. Im Bundestag hat er jetzt seine Pläne zur Entlastung vor allem kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen vorgestellt. Ein breiter Rettungsschirm soll eine Pleitewelle abwenden. Gleichzeitig nutzte Habeck die Gelegenheit seinerseits gegen die Union zu feuern. Besonders deutlich in ihrer Kritik wurde Linke-Politikerin Sarah Wagenknecht im Bundestag. Bereits gestern betonte sie hier im WELT Talk wir können unser Land nicht zugrunde gehen lassen, das würde der Ukraine auch nicht helfen. Heute im Bundestag dann diese verbale Ohrfeige: „Wie bescheuert ist das denn? Wir haben die dümmste Regierung Europas!“

Gravitas: China, Russia ditch dollar for gas trade (Indian Media)

Is Europe divided over Ukraine? | Protesters demand new gas deal with Russia | WION (Indian Media) ...

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II and Britain's leaders - Britain's longest reigning monarch | DW Documentary ...



Scholz und Merz im Bundestag: Heftiger Schlagabtausch um Energiepolitik | DW Nachrichten ( West Media)

Sep 8, 2022 Bei der Generaldebatte im Bundestag kritisiert CDU-Oppositionsführer Friedrich Merz die Koalition wegen ihrer Energiepolitik scharf. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz und sein Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck müssen sich von der Regierungsbank aus anhören, wie Merz der Bundesregierung unterstellt, ihr fehle wirtschaftspolitisch "jeder Kompass" und "die Fähigkeit zum strategischen Denken". Der Wirtschaftsminister wirke "hilflos", so Merz.

Doch dann holt der Bundeskanzler zum Gegenschlag aus: "Sie waren unfähig, den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien herbeizuführen. Sie haben Abwehrkämpfe geführt gegen jede einzelne Windkraftanlage", sagt Scholz und zeigt dabei auf die Sitzreihen von CDU und CSU. Die Union habe nicht einmal die systematisch leer laufenden Gasspeicher bemerkt. "Das ist unverantwortliche CDU-Politik, die uns in die jetzige Situation gebracht hat", so Scholz.

Urusla die "Grosse" Verkuenderin - Olaf der (Laut) "Starke" - Annelena die "Retterin" - Das Deutsche Super Trio - ah ja da ist ja auch noch Christine Lambrecht die "Kriegerin" - also Quartett


Ramstein-Konferenz: Mehr Waffen für die Ukraine? | ZDF Morgenmagazin (Westdeutschland) - Immer schneller dreht sich die Spirale in den dritten Weltkrieg ! Deutschland - Erwache !

Sep 8, 2022 Verteidigungsminister und ranghohe Militärs aus mehr als 50 Ländern beraten auf dem US-Luftwaffenstützpunkt Ramstein in Rheinland-Pfalz über die weitere Unterstützung der Ukraine im Krieg gegen Russland. Zu der Konferenz auf der größten US-Air-Base außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten hat US-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin die Mitglieder der sogenannten Ukraine-Kontaktgruppe eingeladen. Zu ihr gehören neben den USA etwa auch Deutschland und Großbritannien.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Von der Leyen: 'Sofagate' incident happened because I'm a woman

Ursula die beleidigte Leberwurst ! Onkel Erdogan und Charly (Michel) waren unhoeflich schnaubt sie ! Was fuer eine Amazone die Ursula !

Ursula von der Leyen humiliated Charles Michel on Monday in revenge for the European Council president’s part in the sexist “sofagate” scandal that embarrassed her on a diplomatic visit to Turkey.

"I felt hurt and I felt, I felt alone, as a woman and as a European,” Mrs von der Leyen told the European Parliament on Monday after Mr Michel apologised to MEPs.
She dismissed Mr Michel’s excuse that sofagate was a “protocol incident”, as the simmering briefing war between the two EU presidents erupted in the Brussels' seat of the parliament.

What’s Behind Türkiye's Increased Diplomatic Engagement in the Balkans (TRTWorld - Turkiye)

In this episode, we look at Türkiye's increased diplomatic engagement in the region. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is on a three-nation tour of the Balkans with his first stop being Bosnia and Herzegovina. He says he will focus on security issues and economic ties during his meetings with leaders in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia. And just days ago, Türkiye's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was in Belgrade, pledging Ankara will help ensure the Balkans' gas needs this winter. The visits come as the Balkans and Europe grapple with a dual crisis.

Also, an electricity and heating shortage across North Macedonia has forced the government to declare a state of energy crisis. It officially began on September 1 and is set to last a month. It previously declared a 30-day crisis last November. We take a look at what it will take to solve the problem in the long run and Bekim Laci has more from Skopje.

Across The Balkans, hosted by Nafisa Latic, is TRT World’s programme that focuses specifically on the issues and fault lines shaping Southeast Europe today.

Putin warns 'no gas, no oil' to countries that cap prices

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Proteste gegen hohe Energiepreise: Was die Menschen in Leipzig antreibt (westdeutsche media in Ostdeutschland )

In Leipzig haben am Montagabend mehrere Tausend Menschen gegen die hohen Energiepreise demonstriert. An einer Kundgebung und einem Aufzug der Linkspartei unter dem Motto "Heißer Herbst gegen soziale Kälte" nahmen nach Schätzungen von Beobachtern mehr als 2.000 Menschen teil. Zeitgleich protestierten in unmittelbarer Nähe rund 1.000 Anhänger rechter Gruppierungen wie der Kleinpartei Freie Sachsen.

Die Montagsdemonstrationen sind wegen ihrer Symbolik und wegen der Gefahr einer mangelnden Abgrenzung zu den Rechten auch innerhalb der Linkspartei umstritten. Es sei "unser demokratisches Grundrecht, unseren Protest gegen die Ampel auf die Straße zu tragen", sagte Linken-Bundeschef Martin Schirdewan auf der Demonstration in Leipzig.

Der Initiator der Demonstration, der linke Bundestagsabgeordnete Sören Pellmann, betonte erneut, seine Partei wolle die Montagsdemonstrationen "weder beschädigen noch missbrauchen".

Putin Approves Idea Of “Russian World” In New Foreign Policy Doctrine l ... (Indian Media)

DJ Wilhelm - 18er Husaren Remix - [Chilean Army Tribute]

Monday, September 5, 2022

Die blauen Dragoner [German folk song][+English translation] - Gute Nacht Kameraden - Moege bald schon Frieden herrschen !

Russia cuts off gas exports to Europe; blames westerns sanctions for delay | World News | WION (India) -"WINTER IS COMING"

NORD STREAM 1 & 2 AND US - WESTERN - EU SANCTIONS ! Don't blame Russia for your foolish actions !


Nord Stream 1, 1997–present Nord Stream gas flows[14] Russia cut the flow of natural gas by more than half in June because they alleged they could not get a part seized by the Canadian government because of sanctions. Siemens, the producer of the part, denied that this piece was critical for operations.[15] Russia halted gas flows July 11th for annual maintenance for 10 days and resumed partial operations in July 21st[16] Russia stopped the flow of natural gas on 3 September 2022 for alleged maintenance for 3 days, but later said they could not provide a timeframe for restarting gas flow. The EU accused Russia of fabricating a false story to justify the cut.[17] The pipeline project began in 1997 when Gazprom and Finnish oil company Neste (which merged in 1998 with Imatran Voima to form Fortum and in 2004 separated again into Fortum and Neste) formed the joint company North Transgas Oy for the construction and operation of a gas pipeline from Russia to Northern Germany across the Baltic Sea.[18] North Transgas cooperated with the German gas company Ruhrgas (which later became part of E.ON, which was later split into E.ON and Uniper). A route survey was done in the exclusive economic zones of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany, and a feasibility study of the pipeline was conducted in 1998. Several routes were considered, including those with onshore segments through Finland and Sweden.[19] On 24 April 2001, Gazprom, Fortum, Ruhrgas and Wintershall adopted a statement regarding a joint feasibility study for construction of the pipeline.[20] On 18 November 2002, the Management Committee of Gazprom approved a schedule of project implementation. In May 2005, Fortum withdrew from the project and sold its stake in North Transgas to Gazprom. As a result, Gazprom became the only shareholder of North Transgas Oy.[18][21] On 8 September 2005, Gazprom, BASF and E.ON signed a basic agreement on the construction of a North European Gas Pipeline. On 30 November 2005, the North European Gas Pipeline Company (later renamed Nord Stream AG, "Nord" is German for "North") was incorporated in Zug, Switzerland. On 9 December 2005, Gazprom started construction of the Russian onshore feeding pipeline (Gryazovets–Vyborg gas pipeline) in the town of Babayevo in Vologda Oblast.[22] The feeding pipeline was completed in 2010. On 4 October 2006, the pipeline and the operating company were officially renamed Nord Stream AG.[23] After establishment of Nord Stream AG, all information related to the pipeline project, including results of the seabed survey of 1998, were transferred from North Transgas to the new company, and on 2 November 2006, North Transgas was officially dissolved.[24] The environmental impact assessment started on 16 November 2006 when notifications were sent to Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany, as parties of origin (the countries whose exclusive economic zones and/or territorial waters the pipeline is planned to pass through), and Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia as affected parties.[25] The final report on transboundary environmental impact assessment was delivered on 9 March 2009.[26] The gas systems operated by Finland's Gasum are connected to Nord Stream via a branch pipeline in Karelia.[27][28] On 19 March 2007, Nord Stream AG hired Italian company Snamprogetti, a subsidiary of Saipem, for detailed design engineering of the pipeline.[29] A letter of intent for construction works was signed with Saipem on 17 September 2007 and the contract was concluded on 24 June 2008.[30][31] On 25 September 2007, the pipe supply contracts were awarded to the pipe producers EUROPIPE and OMK, and on 18 February 2008, the concrete weight coating and logistics services agreement was awarded to EUPEC PipeCoatings S.A.[32][33] The supply contracts for the second line were awarded to OMK, Europipe and Sumitomo Heavy Industries on 22 January 2010.[34] On 30 December 2008 Rolls-Royce Holdings was awarded a contract to supply turbines for the compressor, and on 8 January 2009, Royal Boskalis Westminster and Danish Dredging Contractor Rohde Nielsen A/S. were awarded a joint venture seabed dredging contract.[35][36] The agreement to take Gasunie to the consortium as the fourth partner, was signed on 6 November 2007.[37] On 10 June 2008, Gasunie was included in the register of shareholders.[38] On 1 March 2010, French energy company GDF Suez signed with Gazprom a memorandum of understanding to acquire 9% stake in the project.[39] The transaction was closed in July 2010.[40] In August 2008, Nord Stream AG hired former Finnish prime minister Paavo Lipponen as a consultant to help speed up the application process in Finland and to serve as a link between Nord Stream and Finnish authorities.[41] On 21 December 2007, Nord Stream AG submitted application documents to the Swedish government for the pipeline construction in the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone.[42] On 12 February 2008, the Swedish government rejected the consortium's application, which it had found incomplete.[43][44] A new application was filed later. On 20 October 2009, Nord Stream received a construction permit to build the pipeline in the Danish waters.[45] On 5 November 2009, the Swedish and Finnish authorities gave a permit to lay the pipeline in their exclusive economic zones.[46] On 22 February 2010, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland issued the final environmental permit allowing construction of the Finnish section of the pipeline.[47][48] On 15 January 2010 construction of the Portovaya compressor station in Vyborg, near the Gulf of Finland, began. [49] [50] The first pipe of the pipeline was laid on 6 April 2010 in the Swedish exclusive economic zone by the Castoro Sei vessel. In addition to Castoro Sei, also Castoro 10 and Solitaire were contracted for pipe-laying works.[51] Construction of the pipeline was officially launched on 9 April 2010 at Portovaya Bay.[52] The laying of the first line was completed on 4 May 2011 (the last pipe put in place), while all underwater works on the first line were completed on 21 June 2011.[6] In August 2011, Nord Stream was connected with the OPAL pipeline.[53] The first gas was pumped into the first line on 6 September 2011.[54] The pipeline was officially inaugurated by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, French Prime Minister François Fillon, and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on 8 November 2011 at the ceremony held in Lubmin.[3][4][55] Construction of the second line was completed in August 2012 and it was inaugurated on 8 October 2012.[56] Although the nominal capacity of the pipeline is 55 billion cubic metres (1.9 trillion cubic feet) per year, it transported 59.2 billion cubic metres (2.09 trillion cubic feet) in 2021.[57] On 25 July 2022, Gazprom announced it will reduce gas flows to Germany to 20% of the maximum capacity, or 50% of the current throughput. The company shut down the pipeline for 10 days because of maintenance and claims the current reduction is due to a repair on a turbine in Montréal, Canada, that could not be delivered because of sanctions against Russia. The German government denied this claim and believed there was no reason for reducing the flow. Putin meanwhile during a press conference in Tehran said that these flows could be increased again if Russia receives more turbines from the manufacturer.[58] On 31 August 2022, Gazprom halted any gas delivery through North Stream 1 for three days, officially because of maintenance.[59] On 2 September 2022, the company announced that natural gas supplies via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline would remain shut off indefinitely until the main gas turbine at the Portovaya compressor station near St Petersburg was fixed from an engine oil leak.[60] Gazprom justified this claiming that European Union sanctions against Russia have resulted in technical problems preventing it being able to provide the full volume of contracted gas through the pipeline; Siemens Energy, which maintains the turbine, rejected this and stated that there are no legal obstacles to its provision of maintenance for the pipeline.[60] Nord Stream 2, 2011–2022 Main article: Nord Stream 2 In 2011, Nord Stream AG started evaluation of an expansion project consisting of two additional lines (later named Nord Stream 2) to double the annual capacity up to 110 billion m3 (3.9 trillion cu ft). In August 2012, Nord Stream AG applied to the Finnish and Estonian governments for route studies in their underwater exclusive economic zones for the third and fourth lines.[61] A plan to route an additional pipeline to the United Kingdom was considered but abandoned.[62][63] In January 2015, Gazprom announced that the expansion project had been put on hold since the existing lines were running at only half capacity due to EU sanctions on Russia[64] following its annexation of Crimea. In June 2015, an agreement to build Nord Stream 2 was signed between Gazprom, Royal Dutch Shell, E.ON, OMV, and Engie.[65] As the creation of a joint venture was blocked by Poland,[clarification needed] on 24 April 2017, Uniper, Wintershall, Engie, OMV and Royal Dutch Shell signed a financing agreement with Nord Stream 2 AG, a subsidiary of Gazprom responsible for the development of the Nord Stream 2 project.[66] On 31 January 2018, Germany granted Nord Stream 2 a permit for construction and operation in German waters and for landfall areas near Lubmin.[67] In May 2018 construction started at the Greifswald end point.[68] In January 2019, the US ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, sent letters to companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2 urging them to stop working on the project and threatening them with the possibility of sanctions.[69] In December 2019, the Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson also urged Allseas owner Edward Heerema to suspend the works on the pipeline, warning him that the United States would otherwise impose sanctions.[70] Cruz formally proposed such a bill to enable sanctions on 8 November 2021.[71] On 21 December 2019, Allseas announced that the company had suspended its Nord Stream 2 pipelaying activities, anticipating enactment of the US National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020, which contained sanctions.[72][73] In May 2020, the German energy regulator refused an exception from competition rules that require Nord Stream 2 to separate gas ownership from transmission.[74] In August 2020, Poland fined Gazprom €50 million due to its lack of cooperation with an investigation launched by UOKiK, the Polish anti-monopoly watchdog. UOKiK cited competition rules against Gazprom and companies financing the project, suspecting that they had continued work on the pipeline without permission from the government of Poland.[75] In December 2020, the Russian pipelaying ship Akademik Cherskiy continued pipe-laying.[76] In January, Fortuna, another pipe-layer, joined forces with the Akademik Cherskiy to complete the pipeline.[77] On 4 June 2021, Vladimir Putin announced that the pipe-laying for first line of the Nord Stream 2 had been fully completed. On 10 June, the sections of the pipeline were connected.[78] The laying of the second line was completed in September 2021.[79] In June 2021, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Nord Stream 2 completion was inevitable. In July 2021, the US urged Ukraine not to criticise a forthcoming agreement with Germany over the pipeline.[80][81] On July 20, Joe Biden and Angela Merkel reached a conclusive deal that the US may trigger sanctions if Russia used Nord Stream as a "political weapon". The deal aims to prevent Poland and Ukraine from being cut off from Russian gas supplies. Ukraine will receive a $50 million loan for green technology until 2024 and Germany will set up a billion dollar fund to promote Ukraine's transition to green energy to compensate the loss of the gas transit fees. The contract for transiting Russian gas through Ukraine will be prolonged until 2034, if the Russian government agrees.[82][83][84] On November 16, 2021, European natural gas prices rose by 17% after Germany's energy regulator suspended approval of the Nord Stream 2.[85][86] On December 9, 2021, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called on Germany's newly appointed Chancellor Olaf Scholz to oppose the start-up of Nord Stream 2 and not to give in to pressure from Russia. On a visit to Rome, Morawiecki said: "I will call on Chancellor Scholz not to give in to pressure from Russia and not to allow Nord Stream 2 to be used as an instrument for blackmail against Ukraine, an instrument for blackmail against Poland, an instrument for blackmail against the European Union."[87] Scholz suspended certification of Nord Stream 2 on 22 February 2022 in consequence of Russia's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and the deployment of troops in territory held by the DPR and LPR.[88] Nord Stream 2 AG filed for bankruptcy on 1 March 2022 and laid off all 106 employees from its headquarters in Zug, Switzerland.[89] Technical features Russian onshore-pipeline Main article: Gryazovets–Vyborg gas pipeline Nord Stream is fed by the Gryazovets–Vyborg gas pipeline. It is a part of the integrated gas transport network of Russia that connects the existing grid in Gryazovets with the coastal compressor station at Vyborg.[90] The length of the pipeline is 917 km (570 mi), the diameter of the pipe is 1,420 mm (56 in), and its working pressure is 100 atm (10 MPa), which is secured by six compressor stations. The Gryazovets-Vyborg pipeline, parallel to the branch of the Northern Lights pipeline (Gryazovets–Leningrad and Leningrad–Vyborg–Russian-state-border pipelines), also supplies gas to the Northwestern region of Russia (which includes Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast).[2] The pipeline is operated by Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg.[2] To feed Nord Stream 2, 2,866 km (1,781 mi) of new pipeline and three compressor stations were built and five existing compressor stations were expanded.[91] The feeding pipeline starts in Gryazovets and follows the existing route of the Northern Lights pipeline. In Volkhov, the pipeline turns south and continues to the Slavyanskaya compressor station near Ust-Luga.[92] Baltic Sea offshore pipeline A piece of Nord Stream pipe on public display in Kotka, Finland The semi-submersible pipe-laying vessel Castoro Sei operating for Nord Stream in the Baltic Sea south-east of Gotland, Sweden in late March 2011 Two pipes are welded together on the Castoro Sei pipelaying vessel The Nord Stream offshore pipeline is operated by Nord Stream AG.[25][37] It runs from the Vyborg compressor station at Portovaya Bay along the bottom of the Baltic Sea to Greifswald, Germany. The length of the subsea pipeline is 1,222 km (759 mi), of which 1.5 km (0.93 mi) are on Russian inland, 121.8 km (65.8 nmi) in Russian territorial waters, 1.4 km (0.8 nmi) in the Russian economic zone, 375.3 km (202.6 nmi) in the Finnish economic zone, 506.4 km (273.4 nmi) in the Swedish economic zone, 87.7 km (47.4 nmi) in the Danish territorial waters, 49.4 km (26.7 nmi) in the Danish economic zone, 31.2 km (16.8 nmi) in the German economic zone, 49.9 km (26.9 nmi) in German territorial waters and 0.5 km (0.31 mi) on German inland.[93] The pipeline has two parallel lines, both with capacity of 27.5 billion m3 (970 billion cu ft) of natural gas per year.[8] Pipes have a diameter of 1,220 mm (48 in), a wall thickness of 26.8 to 41 mm (other specification 38 mm (1.50 in)) and a working pressure of 220 bar (22 MPa; 3,200 psi).[25] Nord Stream 2 starts at the Slavyanskaya compressor station near Ust-Luga port, located 2.8 km (1.7 mi) south-east of the village of Bolshoye Kuzyomkino (Narvusi) in the Kingiseppsky District of the Leningrad Oblast, in the historical Ingria close to the Estonian border. A 3.2 km (2.0 mi) onshore pipeline runs from the compressor station to the landfall at the Kurgalsky Peninsula on the shore of Narva Bay.[94][91] The landfall point in Kolganpya (Kolkanpää) at the Soikinsky Peninsula was also considered as an alternative.[91] Except for the Russian section, the route of Nord Stream 2 follows mainly the route of Nord Stream.[62][91] From the Russian landfall, a 114 km (71 mi) section runs through Russian territorial waters to the Finnish exclusive economic zone. The Finnish section is 374 km (232 mi) and the following section in the Swedish exclusive economic zone is 510 km (320 mi) long.[94] The 147 km (91 mi) Danish sections runs on the Danish continental shelf southeast of Bornholm.[10] The German part of the pipeline consists of 85 km (53 mi) of offshore pipeline and 29 km (18 mi) onshore pipeline connecting the landfall with the Nord Stream 2 receiving terminal.[94] Nord Stream 2 has two parallel lines, each with a capacity of 27.5 billion m3 (970 billion cu ft) of natural gas per year.[9][94] Middle and Western European pipelines Main articles: OPAL pipeline and NEL pipeline Nord Stream is connected to two transmission pipelines in Germany. The southern pipeline (OPAL pipeline) runs from Greifswald to Olbernhau near the German-Czech border. It connects Nord Stream with JAGAL (connected to the Yamal-Europe pipeline), and STEGAL (connected to the Russian gas transport route via Czechia and Slovakia) transmission pipelines. The Gazelle pipeline, put into operation in January 2013,[95] links the OPAL pipeline with South-German gas network. The western pipeline (NEL pipeline) runs from Greifswald to Achim, where it is connected with the Rehden-Hamburg gas pipeline.[96] Together with the MIDAL pipeline it creates the Greifswald–Bunde connection. Further gas delivery to the United Kingdom is made through the connection between Bunde and Den Helder, and from there through the offshore interconnector Balgzand–Bacton (BBL Pipeline). Nord Stream 2 is connected to the NEL pipeline and European Gas Pipeline Link (EUGAL), which runs largely parallel to the OPAL pipeline.[94][97] Supply sources Countries by natural gas proven reserves (2014), based on data from The World Factbook. Russia has the world's largest reserves. Russia's West Siberian petroleum basin is the source location for Nord Stream. The Yuzhno-Russkoye field, which is located in the Krasnoselkupsky District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Oblast, was designated as the main source of natural gas for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.[98][99][100] Nord Stream 1 and 2 are also fed from fields in Yamal Peninsula, Ob and Taz bays. It was predicted that also the majority of gas from the Russian Off-Shore Arctic Gas Field Shtokman field would be sold to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline when it comes on stream and the connecting pipeline via Kola peninsula to Volkhov or Vyborg is built.[101] However, the Shtokman project was postponed indefinitely. The proposed gas route from Russia's West Siberian petroleum basin to China is known as Power of Siberia 2 pipeline.[102] For Russia, the pipeline allows another economic partnership in the face of resistance to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.[103] Costs and financing According to Gazprom, the costs of the onshore pipelines in Russia and Germany were around €6 billion.[104] The offshore section of the project cost €8.8 billion.[105] 30% of the financing was raised through equity provided by shareholders in proportion to their stakes in the project, while 70% came from external financing by banks.[106] There were two tranches.[107][108] The first tranche for a €3.9 billion includes a 3.1 billion, 16-year facility covered by export credit agencies and an €800 million, 10-year uncovered commercial loan to be serviced by earnings from the transportation contracts. A €1.6 billion is covered by French credit insures company Euler Hermes, a €1 billion by the German United Loan Guarantee Program UFK, and a €500 million Italian Export Credit Agency SACE SpA. Loans to be provided by 26 commercial banks. Crédit Agricole is documentation bank and bank facility agent. Société Générale is intercreditor agent, Sace facility agent, security trustee and model bank. Commerzbank is Hermes facility agent, UniCredit is UFK facility agent, Deutsche Bank is account bank and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation is technical and environmental bank.[106][107] The financial advisers were Société Générale, Royal Bank of Scotland (ABN Amro), Dresdner Kleinwort (Commerzbank), and Unicredit.[109][110] The legal adviser to Nord Stream was White & Case and legal adviser for the lenders was Clifford Chance.[107] For Nord Stream 2, the loan from Uniper, Wintershall Dea, OMV, Engie, and Royal Dutch Shell covers 50% of the project costs of €9.5 billion. The rest is being financed by Gazprom.[66] Contractors Nord Stream 1 The environmental impact assessment of Nord Stream 1 was carried out by Rambøll and Environmental Resource Management. The route and seabed surveys were conducted by Marin Mätteknik, IfAÖ, PeterGaz and DOF Subsea.[111][112] Work preliminary front-end engineering was done by Intec Engineering.[113] The design engineering of the subsea pipeline was done by Snamprogetti (now part of Saipem) and the pipeline was constructed by Saipem.[29][31] Saipem subcontracted Allseas to lay more than 1⁄4 of both the pipelines. The seabed was prepared for the laying of the pipeline by a joint venture of Royal Boskalis Westminster and Tideway.[36] The pipes were provided by EUROPIPE, OMK, and Sumitomo.[32][34] Concrete weight coating and logistics services were provided by EUPEC PipeCoatings S.A. For the concrete weight coating new coating plants were constructed in Mukran (Germany) and Kotka (Finland).[33] Rolls-Royce plc supplied eight aeroderivative gas turbines driving centrifugal compressors for front-end gas boosting at the Vyborg (Portovaya) gas compressor station.[35] Dresser-Rand Group supplied DATUM compressors and Siirtec Nigi SPA provided a gas treatment unit for the Portovaya station.[114][115] For the construction period, Nord Stream AG created a logistic center in Gotland. Other interim stockyards are located in Mukran, Kotka, Hanko (Finland), and Karlskrona (Sweden).[33] Nord Stream 2 Nord Stream 2 was laid by Allseas using pipe-laying vessels Pioneering Spirit and Solitaire,[116] except the part of the German offshore section which was laid by Saipem's pipe-laying vessel C10.[94] Pipes were manufactured by EUROPIPE, OMK and the Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant (Chelpipe), and were coated by Wasco Coatings Europe. Blue Water Shipping handled the transportation and storage of pipeline segments in Germany, Finland and Sweden for Wasco. A joint venture of Boskalis and Van Oord did rock placement at the preparatory stage of construction. Kvaerner did the civil and mechanical engineering of the onshore facilities in Russia.[94] Project companies Nord Stream 1 office building in Zug Nord Stream 1 is operated by the special-purpose company Nord Stream AG, incorporated in Zug, Switzerland on 30 November 2005. Shareholders of the company are the Russian gas company Gazprom (51% of shares), the German companies Wintershall Dea and PEG Infrastruktur AG (E.ON) (both 15.5%), the Dutch gas company Gasunie (9%), and the French gas company Engie (9%).[25][37] The chairman of the shareholders' committee is German ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Nord Stream 2 is developed and planned to be operated by Nord Stream 2 AG, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom.[66] Transportation contracts On 13 October 2005, Gazprom signed a contract with German gas company Wingas, then a joint venture of Gazprom and Wintershall (subsidiary of BASF), to supply 9 billion cubic metres (320 billion cubic feet) of natural gas per year for 25 years.[117] On 16 June 2006, Gazprom and Danish Ørsted A/S (then named DONG Energy) signed a twenty-year contract for delivery of 1 billion m3 (35 billion cu ft) Russian gas per year to Denmark, while Ørsted will supply 600 million m3 (21 billion cu ft) natural gas per year to the Gazprom subsidiary, Gazprom Marketing and Trading, in the United Kingdom.[118] On 1 October 2009, the companies signed a contract to double the delivery to Denmark.[119] On 29 August 2006, Gazprom and E.ON Ruhrgas signed an agreement to extend current contracts on natural gas supplies and have signed a contract for an additional 4 billion m3 (140 billion cu ft) per year through the Nord Stream pipeline.[120] On 19 December 2006, Gazprom and Gaz de France (now GDF Suez) agreed to an additional 2.5 billion m3 (88 billion cu ft) gas supply through Nord Stream.[121] Controversies Nord Stream 1 The pipeline projects were criticized by some countries, geopolitical analysts, and environmental organizations (such as the World Wide Fund for Nature).[122][123][124][125][126] Political aspects See also: Russia in the European energy sector Major existing and planned natural gas pipelines supplying Russian gas to Europe Opponents have seen the pipeline as a move by Russia to bypass traditional transit countries (currently Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belarus and Poland).[127] Some transit countries are concerned that a long-term plan of the Kremlin is to attempt to exert political influence on them by threatening their gas supply without affecting supplies to Western Europe.[128][129] The fears are strengthened by the fact that Russia has refused to ratify the Energy Charter Treaty. Critics of Nord Stream say that Europe could become dangerously dependent on Russian natural gas, particularly since Russia could face problems meeting a surge in domestic as well as foreign demand.[130][131][132] Following several Russia–Ukraine gas disputes over gas prices, as well as foreign policy toward Eastern Europe, it has been noted that the gas supplies by Russia can be used as a political tool.[133] A Swedish Defense Research Agency study, finished in March 2007, counted over 55 incidents[clarification needed][vague] since 1991, most with "both political and economic underpinnings".[131][132] In April 2006, Radosław Sikorski, then Poland's defense minister, compared the project to the infamous 1939 Nazi-Soviet Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.[134] In his book The New Cold War: Putin's Russia and the Threat to the West, published 2008, Edward Lucas stated that "though Nord Stream's backers insist that the project is business pure and simple, this would be easier to believe if it were more transparent."[131] In the report published by the Fridtjof Nansen Institute in 2008, Norwegian researcher Bendik Solum Whist noted that Nord Stream AG was incorporated in Switzerland, "whose strict banking secrecy laws makes the project less transparent than it would have been if based within the EU".[131] Secondly, the Russian energy sector "in general lacks transparency" and Gazprom "is no exception".[131] The Russian response has been that the pipeline increases Europe's energy security, and that the criticism is caused by bitterness about the loss of significant transit revenues, as well as the loss of political influence that stems from the transit countries' ability to hold Russian gas supplies to Western Europe hostage to their local political agendas.[135] It would reduce Russia's dependence on the transit countries as for the first time it would link Russia directly to Western Europe.[130] According to Gazprom, the direct connection to Germany would decrease risks in the gas transit zones, including the political risk of cutting off Russian gas exports to Western Europe.[136] In response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Commission and International Energy Agency presented joint plans to reduce reliance on Russian energy, reduce Russian gas imports by two thirds within a year, and completely by 2030.[137][138] On 18 May 2022, the European Union published plans to end its reliance on Russian oil, natural gas and coal by 2027.[139] Security and military aspects Swedish military experts and several politicians, including former Minister for Defense Mikael Odenberg, have stated that the pipeline may cause a security policy problem for Sweden.[140] According to Odenberg, the pipeline motivates Russian navy presence in the Swedish economic zone and the Russians can use this for military intelligence should they want to.[141] Finnish military-scholar Alpo Juntunen has said that even though the political discussion over Nord Stream in Finland concentrates on the various ecological aspects, there are clearly military implications to the pipeline that are not discussed openly in Finland.[142] More political concerns were raised when Vladimir Putin stated that the ecological safety of the pipeline project will be ensured by using the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy.[143] German weekly Stern has reported that the fibre optic cable and repeater stations along the pipeline could theoretically also be used for espionage. Nord Stream AG asserted that a fibre-optic control cable was neither necessary nor technically planned.[144] Deputy Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of Gazprom Alexander Medvedev has dismissed these concerns, stating that "some objections are put forward that are laughable - political, military, or linked to spying. That is really surprising because in the modern world ... it is laughable to say a gas-pipeline is a weapon in a spy-war".[145] Economic aspects Russian and German officials have claimed that the pipeline leads to economic savings due to the elimination of transit fees (as transit countries would be bypassed), and a higher operating pressure of the offshore pipeline which leads to lower operating costs (by eliminating the necessity for expensive midway compressor stations).[146] According to Ukrtransgaz in 2011, Ukraine alone will lose natural gas transit fees of up to $720 million per year from Nord Stream 1.[147] According to the Naftogaz chairman in 2019, Ukraine will lose $3 billion per year of natural gas transit fees from Nord Stream 2.[148] Gazprom has stated that it will divert 20 billion m3 (710 billion cu ft) of natural gas transported through Ukraine to Nord Stream.[149] Opponents say that the maintenance costs of a submarine pipeline are higher than for an overland route. In 1998, former Gazprom chairman Rem Vyakhirev claimed that the project was economically unfeasible.[150] As the Nord Stream pipeline crosses the waterway to Polish ports in Szczecin and Świnoujście, there were concerns that it will reduce the depth of the waterway leading to the ports.[151][152][153] However, in 2011, then-prime minister of Poland Donald Tusk, as well as several experts, confirmed that the Nord Stream pipeline does not block the development plans of Świnoujście and Szczecin ports.[153][154] Environmental aspects The greatest environmental impact in connection with the pipeline results from the consumption of the transported gas, if it allows more imports to the EU. That would conflict with decarbonization efforts for climate protection. At a nominal capacity of 55 billion m3/a (1.9 trillion cu ft/a), each pipe pair can cause carbon emissions of 110 million tonnes (240 billion pounds) of CO2 annually.[155] For the Portovaya compressor station at the Russian beginning of Nord Stream 1 with a rating of 366 megawatts, CO2 emissions of around 1.5 million tonnes (3.3 billion pounds) per annum are estimated,[156] not including compressor stations for the gas pipelines within Russia. Since the pressure loss is the square of the flow velocity, dividing an unchanged gas transport volume between two Nord Stream systems could save around 3⁄4 of the pumping effort and presumably more than 1 million tonnes (2.2 billion pounds) of CO2 emissions could be avoided annually. Using the Umweltbundesamt's discounted CO2 damage costs of 180 euros/ton,[157] this would, after a rough estimate,[by whom?][citation needed] enable the third tube to be amortized within around 20 years from a global point of view. Possibly also the fourth tube could be amortized in the hypothetical case of overall optimization of gas flow over various pipelines between Russia and the EU. The production of over 2 million tonnes (4.4 billion pounds) of steel for the Nord Stream 2 tubes resulted in more than 3 million tonnes (6.6 billion pounds) of CO2 emissions, not including the concrete-coating and the associated pipeline sections onshore.[citation needed] Before construction there were concerns that during construction the sea bed would be disturbed, dislodging World War II-era naval mines and toxic materials including mines, chemical waste, chemical munitions and other items dumped in the Baltic Sea in the past decades, and thereby toxic substances could surface from the seabed, damaging the Baltic's particularly sensitive ecosystem.[158][159][160][161][162] Swedish Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren demanded that the environmental analysis should include alternative ways of taking the pipeline across the Baltic, as the pipeline is projected to be passing through areas considered environmentally problematic and risky.[163] Sweden's three opposition parties called for an examination of the possibility of rerouting the pipeline onto dry land.[161] Finnish environmental groups campaigned to consider the more southern route, claiming that the sea bed is flatter and so construction would be more straightforward, and therefore potentially less disruptive to waste, including dioxins and dioxin-like compounds, littered on the sea bed.[164] Latvian president Valdis Zatlers said that Nord Stream was environmentally hazardous as, unlike the North Sea, there is no such water circulation in the Baltic Sea.[citation needed] Ene Ergma, Speaker of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia), warned that the pipeline work rips a canal in the seabed which will demand leveling the sand that lies along the way, atomizing volcanic formations and disposing of fill along the bottom of the sea, altering sea currents.[165] The impact on bird and marine life in the Baltic Sea is also a concern, as the Baltic sea is recognized by the International Maritime Organization as a particularly sensitive sea area. The World Wide Fund for Nature requested that countries party to the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) safeguard the Baltic marine habitats, which could be altered by the implementation of the Nord Stream project.[125] Its Finnish branch said it might file a court case against Nord Stream AG if the company did not properly assess a potential alternative route on the southern side of Hogland. According to Nord Stream AG, this was not a suitable route for the pipeline because of the planned conservation area near Hogland, subsea cables, and a main shipping route.[124] Russian environmental organizations warned that the ecosystem in the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland is the most vulnerable part of the Baltic Sea and assumed damage to the island territory of the planned Ingermanland nature preserve as a result of laying the pipeline.[165] Swedish environmental groups are concerned that the pipeline is planned to pass too closely to the border of the marine reserve near Gotland.[166] Greenpeace is also concerned that the pipeline would pass through several sites designated marine conservation areas.[167] In April 2007, the Young Conservative League (YCL) of Lithuania started an online petition entitled "Protect the Baltic Sea While It’s Still Not Too Late!", translated into all state languages of the countries of the Baltic region.[168] On 29 January 2008 the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament organized a public hearing on the petition introduced by the leader of YCL – Radvile Morkunaite. On 8 July 2008, the European Parliament endorsed, by 542 votes to 60, a non-binding report calling on the European Commission to evaluate the additional impact on the Baltic Sea caused by the Nord Stream project.[169] The Riigikogu made a declaration on 27 October 2009, expressing "concern over the possible environmental impacts of the gas line" and emphasizing that international conventions have deemed "the Baltic Sea in an especially vulnerable environmental status".[126] Russian officials described these concerns as far-fetched and politically motivated by opponents of the project. They argued that during the construction the seabed will be cleaned, rather than endangered. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has claimed that Russia fully respects the desire to provide for the 100% environmental-sustainability of the project and that Russia is fully supportive of such an approach, and that all environmental concerns would be addressed in the process of environmental impact assessment.[170] Concerns were raised, since originally Nord Stream AG planned on rinsing out the pipeline with 2.3 billion litres (610 million US gallons) of a solution containing glutaraldehyde, which would be pumped afterward into the Baltic Sea. Nord Stream AG responded that glutaraldehyde would not be used, and even if the chemical were used, the effects would be brief and localized due to the speed with which the chemical breaks down once it comes in contact with water.[171] One of the problems raised was that the Baltic Sea and particularly Gulf of Finland was heavily mined during World War I and II, with many mines still in the sea.[167] According to Marin Mätteknik, around 85,000 mines were laid during the First and Second World Wars, of which only half have been recovered. A lot of munitions have also been dumped in this sea.[172] Critics of the pipeline voiced fears that the pipeline would disturb ammunition dumps. In November 2008 it was reported that the pipeline will run through old sea mine defense lines and that the Gulf of Finland is considered one of the most heavily mined sea areas in the world.[173] Sunken mines, which have been found on the pipeline route, lay primarily in international waters at a depth of more than 70 m (230 ft). Nord Stream AG detonated the mines underwater.[173] Ethical issues The former Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder, and the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, were strong advocates of the pipeline project during the negotiation phase. International media alluded to a past relationship between the managing director of Nord Stream AG, Matthias Warnig, himself a former East German secret police officer, and Vladimir Putin when he was a KGB agent in East Germany.[174][175][176][177] These allegations were denied by Matthias Warnig, who said that he had met Vladimir Putin for the first time in his life in 1991, when Putin was the head of the Committee for External Relations of the Saint Petersburg Mayor's Office.[177][178] The agreement to build the pipeline was signed ten days before the German parliamentary election. On 24 October 2005, a few weeks before Schröder had stepped down as Chancellor, the German government guaranteed to cover €1 billion of the Nord Stream project cost, should Gazprom default on a loan. However, this guarantee expired at the end of 2006 without ever having been needed.[179] Soon after leaving the post of Chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder agreed to head the shareholders' committee of Nord Stream AG. This has been widely described by German and international media as a conflict of interest,[180][181][182] the implication being that the pipeline project may have been pushed through for personal gain rather than for improving gas supplies to Germany. Information about the German government's guarantee was requested by the European Commission. No formal charges have been filed against any party despite years of exhaustive investigations.[179] In February 2009, the Swedish prosecutor's office started an investigation based on suspicions of bribery and corruption after a college on the island of Gotland received a donation from Nord Stream. The 5 million Swedish kronor (US$574,000) donation was directed to a professor at Gotland University College who had previously warned that the Nord Stream pipeline would come too close to a sensitive bird zone.[183] The consortium has hired several former high-ranking officials, such as Ulrica Schenström, former undersecretary at the Swedish Prime Minister's office, and Dan Svanell, former press secretary for several politicians in the Swedish Social Democratic Party.[184] In addition, the former Prime Minister of Finland, Paavo Lipponen, had worked for Nord Stream as an adviser since 2008.[185] Land-based alternatives On 11 January 2007, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland made a statement on the environmental impact assessment program of the Russia-Germany natural gas pipeline, in which it mentioned that alternative routes via Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad and/or Poland might theoretically be shorter than the route across the Baltic Sea, would be easier to flexibly increase the capacity of the pipeline, and might have better financial results.[186] There were also calls from Sweden to consider rerouting the pipeline onto dry land.[161] Poland had proposed the construction of a second line of the Yamal–Europe pipeline, as well as the Amber pipeline through Latvia, Lithuania and Poland as land-based alternatives to the offshore pipeline. The Amber project foresees laying a natural gas pipeline across the Tver, Novgorod and Pskov oblasts in Russia and then through Latvia and Lithuania to Poland, where it would be re-connected to the Yamal–Europe pipeline.[19] Latvia has proposed using its underground gas storage facilities if the onshore route were to be used.[citation needed] Proponents have claimed that the Amber pipeline would cost half as much as an underwater pipeline, would be shorter, and would have less environmental impact.[187] Critics of this proposal say that in this case it would be more expensive for the suppliers over the long-term perspective, because the main aim of the project is to reduce transit costs.[188] Nord Stream AG has responded that the Baltic Sea would be the only route for the pipeline and it will not consider an overland alternative.[189] World War II graves In May 2008, a former member of the European Parliament from Estonia, Andres Tarand, has raised the issue that the Nord Stream pipeline could disturb World War II graves dating from naval battles in 1941. A Nord Stream spokesman has stated that only one sunken ship is in the vicinity of the planned pipeline and added that it would not be disturbed.[190] On 16 July 2008 it was announced that one of DOF Subsea's seismic vessels had discovered during a survey for the planned Nord Stream pipeline, in Finland's exclusive economic zone in the Gulf of Finland, the wreck of a submarine with Soviet markings, believed to have sunk during World War II.[111] In addition to the wreck of the Soviet submarine, there are sunken ships on the route of Nord Stream in the Bay of Greifswald and in the Gulf of Finland. The ship in the Bay of Greifswald is one of 20 sunk in 1715 by the Swedish navy to create a physical barrier across the shallow entrance to the Bay of Greifswald coastal lagoon.[191] Russian archaeologists claimed that the ship in the Gulf of Finland "was probably built in 1710 and sank during a raid aimed at conquering Finland" in 1713 during the reign of Peter the Great.[192] Nord Stream 2 Main article: Nord Stream 2 Political aspects In January 2018, United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated that the US and Poland opposed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, seeing it as undermining Europe's energy security and stability.[193] The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was also opposed by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, former US President Donald Trump, the European Council President Donald Tusk and British foreign minister Boris Johnson.[194][195] Tusk has said that Nord Stream 2 is not in the EU's interests.[196] Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán have questioned the different treatment of Nord Stream 2 and South Stream projects.[196][197] Some claim that the project violates the long-term declared strategy of the EU to diversify its gas supplies.[198] A letter, signed by the leaders of nine EU countries, was sent to the EC in March 2016, warning that the Nord Stream 2 project contradicts the European energy policy requirements that suppliers to the EU should not control the energy transmission assets, and that access to the energy infrastructure must be secured for non-consortium companies.[199][200] A letter by American lawmakers John McCain and Marco Rubio to the EU also criticized the project in July 2016.[201] An anti-trust investigation against Gazprom started in 2011 revealed a number of "abusive practices" the company applied against various recipients in the EU and Nord Stream 2 was criticized from this angle as strengthening Gazprom's position in the EU even more. European Commission officials expressed the view that "Nord Stream 2 does not enhance [EU] energy security".[202] Sberbank's investment research division in 2018 voiced concerns from Russian stakeholders' perspective, specifically that the project's goals are exclusively political:[203] Gazprom’s decisions make perfect sense if the company is assumed to be run for the benefit of its contractors, not for commercial profit. The Power of Siberia, Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream are all deeply value-destructive projects that will eat up almost half of Gazprom’s investments over the next five years. They are commonly perceived as being foisted on the company by the government pursuing a geopolitical agenda. A more important characteristic that they share, however, is the ability to employ a closely knit group of suppliers in Russia, with little outside supervision. — Sberbank CIB, Russian Oil and Gas - Tickling Giants, 2018 Sanctions In June 2017, Germany, France, Austria and the European Commission criticized the United States Senate over new sanctions against Russia targeting the pipeline,[204][205][206] stating that the United States was threatening Europe's energy supplies.[207] In a joint statement, Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern and German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said, "Europe's energy supply is a matter for Europe, and not for the United States of America."[208] They also said: "To threaten companies from Germany, Austria and other European states with penalties on the US market if they participate in natural gas projects such as Nord Stream 2 with Russia or finance them introduces a completely new and very negative quality into European-American relations."[209] Isabelle Kocher, chief executive officer of Engie, criticised American sanctions targeting the projects, and said they were an attempt to promote American gas in Europe.[210] German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz called the sanctions "a severe intervention in German and European internal affairs", while the EU spokesman criticized "the imposition of sanctions against EU companies conducting legitimate business."[211] German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that "European energy policy is decided in Europe, not in the United States". Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also criticized sanctions, saying that United States Congress "is literally overwhelmed with the desire to do everything to destroy" Russia–United States relations.[212] The German Eastern Business Association said in a statement that "America wants to sell its liquefied gas in Europe, for which Germany is building terminals. Should we arrive at the conclusion that US sanctions are intended to push competitors out of the European market, our enthusiasm for bilateral projects with the US will significantly cool."[213] On December 21, 2019, US President Donald Trump signed a law that imposed sanctions on any firm that aids in the building of the pipeline. The pipeline's construction was halted minutes before Trump signed the law.[214][215] The pipeline's construction was resumed in December 2020 after it appeared that Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) would be inaugurated as US president in the following January.[216] On January 1, 2021, an annual defense policy bill passed by the US Congress included sanctions for companies who worked on or insured the pipeline.[73][217] On 26 January 2021, the White House said that Joe Biden "continues to believe that Nord Stream 2 is a bad deal for Europe" and that his administration "will be reviewing" the new sanctions. According to congressional aides cited in a February report by NBC News, the sanctions enjoy "strong bipartisan support" on Capitol Hill.[218][219][220] On 19 May 2021, the US government waived sanctions against the main company involved in the project, Nord Stream 2 AG, while imposing sanctions on four Russian ships and five other Russian entities.[221][222][223] Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov welcomed the move as "a chance for a gradual transition toward the normalisation of our bilateral ties".[224] Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was "surprised" and "disappointed" by Biden's decision.[225] Biden also waived sanctions on the Nordstream CEO, Matthias Warnig, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.[226] On 22 November 2021, the US State Department announced that it had imposed further sanctions on a Russian vessel and a "Russian-linked entity".[227] On January 13, 2022, US Senator Ted Cruz introduced a bill to reimpose the sanctions. 55 senators (49 Republicans, 6 Democrats), a majority, voted in favor of the bill. 44 Democrats voted against it; senator Rand Paul did not vote. The bill was filibustered and died in the Senate after failing to secure 60 votes.[228] Angela Merkel criticized the United States's sanctions against Russia that target EU–Russia energy projects.[229] Public opinion A representative Forsa study conducted in May 2021 found that 75% of Germans were in favor of the construction of Nord Stream 2, while only 17% were against it.[230] The survey found that broad support for the completion of the project could be found in all voter groups.[230] The Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft (Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations) criticised that US sanctions and obstruction efforts were thus threatening democratic processes in Germany and Europe, endangering Germany's interests, and causing damages estimated to be several billion euros at the expense of European taxpayers and businesses.[231] Public support for Nord Stream 2 by party (May 2021) DIE LINKE   92% AfD   84% FDP   82% CDU/CSU   81% SPD   75% B'90/GRÜNE   69%


1949-2024 * 75 Jahre Deutsche Demokratische Republik

1945-2024 * 79 Jahre Sowjetische-Russische Freundschaft

Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD.DDR - Berlin DDR - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF


Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD.DDR - Berlin DDR - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF


Brandenburger Tor






DVRD.DDR - Berlin - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF
Sonderstatus - "Deutsche Bundesländer - Ost"




Berlin DDR
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DDR Botschaft Moskau - Aussenstelle Tel Aviv


Convoyes de inmigración latina en EE.UU. - Fronteras Sur:


Generalkonsulat Kaliningrad


CUBA - El Commandante Fidel Castro - Commandante Che Guevara

Latein Amerika

SUHIS - Sociedad Histórica de la Unión Soviética - Internacional
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