1949-2024 * 75 Jahre Deutsche Demokratische Republik

1945-2024 * 79 Jahre Sowjetische-Russische Freundschaft

Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD.DDR - Berlin DDR - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF

Updates - BER - TLV 13/05/2024

DVRD.DDR Tel Aviv - IL -- Botschaft Moskau - RF - 13 /05 /2024

India Time Zone

Monday, 13. May 2024 (GMT+5:30) Time in New Delhi, Delhi, India


Indian Military Parade

Monday, January 31, 2022


前苏联东亚历史学会中国 - 莫斯科俄罗斯总部
People's Republic of China
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Lao People's Democratic Republic

Republic of India
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

China marks War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, calls for cherishing world peace

Aeroflot en-route

en-route Krasnodar - Tashkent

Russian policy officer reveals what's at risk for the US

Avanti Popolo - Bandiera Rossa !

DSS - Deutscher Soldatensender - 935

Sunday, January 30, 2022

50 years since the Bog side massacre, survivors recall Northern Ireland's Bloody Sunday | World News... Boris Johnson you self-righteous Hypocrite !!!!

Russian Red Army Choir live in Turkey and performs Turkish Mehter Marches

Atilla & Aphrodite - Cyprus '74

After over a decade of political collapse, in 1974 Greek-Cypriot nationalists toppled the Cypriot government, causing Turkey to invoke the treaty of guarantee to restore order to the island only a week later, landing troops on 21st July 1974. In only a few weeks of fighting they would take a third of the island and just under another decade later would declare the Republic of Northern Cyprus.

KKTC Başbakan Yardımcılığı ve Dışişleri Bakanlığı - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)

We salute the Turkish Leadership for dispatching a Turkish Protection Force in 1974 to Cyprus to shield the Turkish Population in Cyprus from Death and Harm through fanatic Greek Fascist Militias

15 Kasım 1983’te KKTC Kurucu Meclisi oybirliğiyle Bağımsızlık Deklarasyonunu kabul etmiştir. Deklarasyonda açıkça Kıbrıs Türk tarafının “Kıbrıs’taki iki halkın yanyana yaşamasının mukadderat olduğu ve eşitlik temelinde yürütülecek müzakerelerle barışçıl, adil ve yaşayabilir bir çözüm bulunması gerektiği inancında” olduğu ifade edilmektedir. İlaveten, KKTC’nin ilanıyla Ada’daki iki halk arasındaki Ada’daki ortaklığın yeniden tesis edilmesi ve sorunun diplomatik kanaldan çözülmesi hedeflenmektedir.

On 15 November 1983, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was proclaimed. At the same time, the founding parliament of the TRNC unanimously passed the Declaration of Independence which emphasized that the Turkish Cypriot side “firmly adhered to the view that the two peoples of Cyprus were destined to co-exist side by side and could and should find a peaceful, just and durable solution through negotiations on the basis of equality”, confirming that the proclamation of the TRNC aimed at facilitating the re-establishment of a new partnership on the Island between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots and resolving the Cyprus problem through comprehensive negotiations.

15 Temmuz 2016 - Failed Military Coup - A Fateful Day written in Martyrs blood, who with heroism and loyality and their bodies protected the lawful elected Government.

15 Temmuz 2016 - Failed Military Coup - A Fateful Day written in Martyrs blood, who with heroism and loyality and their bodies protected the lawful elected Government. - In Blessed Memory !
We stand by President Erdogan alongside Millions of loyal Countrymen in Turkey and remember those dramatic, fateful hours.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Bundestag: Aussprache zu den Spannungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine

Kein Wort ueber die Bedrohung der Russischen Bevoelkerung in der Ukraine - alle verschliessen die Augen ! Russland wird mit allen Mitteln seine Landsleute schuetzen woimmer sie in Gefahr sind !

Putin Accepts Offer to Visit Turkiye to Discuss Ukraine Tensions

Friday, January 28, 2022

Deutsche Geschichte Ost : Memelland - Ost Preussen

Botschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik - Moskau

Als Memelland oder Memelgebiet (litauisch Klaipėdos kraštas) wird im deutschen Sprachraum jener in der Zwischenkriegszeit von Deutschland abgetrennte Teil Ostpreußens bezeichnet, der nördlich der Memel bzw. ihres Deltaarms Skierwieth (Skirvytė) lag, sowie der entsprechende Teil der Kurischen Nehrung.

Das Memelland wurde nach Artikel 99 des Versailler Vertrags von 1919 ohne Volksabstimmung mit Wirkung 10. Januar 1920 an die alliierten Mächte abgetreten. Von Anfang 1920 bis Anfang 1923 wurde es von Frankreich als deren Vertreter verwaltet.

Das 2.656,7 km² große Territorium war etwa 140 km lang und bis zu 20 km breit. Von den über 140.000 Bewohnern bezeichneten sich im Jahr 1925 72,5 % als Deutsche bzw. „Kulturdeutsche“ (16 % zweisprachig) und 27,5 % als Litauer.[1] Größte Stadt war Memel (Klaipėda) mit 40.000 Einwohnern (1931 11 % Litauer), gefolgt von Heydekrug (Šilutė) mit 5.000 Einwohnern und Pogegen (Pagėgiai) mit 2.800 Einwohnern.

Ab 10. Januar 1923, während der Besetzung des Ruhrgebiets durch Frankreich und Belgien, zog sich die französische Besatzungstruppe vor „einheimischen Aufständischen“, die in Wirklichkeit von der litauischen Regierung beauftragt worden und aus Litauen eingesickert waren, zurück. Die anschließende Annexion des Memelgebiets durch Litauen erkannte der Völkerbund am 8. Mai 1924 in der Memelkonvention an. Damit erhielt Litauen einen Ostseezugang durch deutschsprachiges Gebiet.

Am 20. März 1939 (wenige Tage nach der Zerschlagung der Tschechoslowakei) verlangte der deutsche Außenminister Joachim von Ribbentrop im Ultimatum an Litauen die Rückgabe an Deutschland. Litauen tat dies am 22. März.[2]

1945, gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs, wurde das Memelland in der Schlacht um Ostpreußen (13. Januar bis zum 25. April) von der Roten Armee erobert; die Stadt Memel fiel am 28. Januar 1945. Bald darauf wurde es der Litauischen SSR, Sowjetunion (UdSSR) angeschlossen.


Russia-Ukraine conflict: Is Germany letting the West down? | To the point - Jessica Berlin ? Germany is too soft towards Russia ? You are so out of reality touch !

Russia sent warships to Atlantic: Ireland and Norway are alarmed

Do not underestimate Russia !!!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Das Thälmann Battalion

Ernst Thälmann

Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland (NKFD) - Gruppe Ulbricht

Nach der totalen Niederlage am 8. Mai 1945 schwor die Mehrzahl der Deutschen, niemals mehr eine Waffe anzurühren. Konrad Adenauer sagte nach Kriegsende: "Ich bin stolz darauf, nie Soldat gewesen zu sein." Auch dem Oberleutnant der Wehrmacht Franz Josef Strauß wird Ende der 1940er Jahre die Äußerung nachgesagt: "Die Hand soll verdorren, die jemals wieder ein Gewehr anfaßt." – Man redete dem Volk nach dem Mund, um insgeheim anderes zu planen.

Die "Gründungsväter" der Bundeswehr: Hitlers Generäle

Die Bundeswehr wurde von Hitler-Offizieren aufgebaut, die bis zum Mai 1945 treu ihrem "Führer" gedient, junge deutsche Soldaten bis zuletzt in einen sinnlosen Tod getrieben und auch nach 1945 nicht umgedacht hatten. Viele davon trugen schwere Schuld an Kriegsverbrechen und hätten sich vor einem Gericht verantworten müssen. Ihr Motiv war "Revanche für Stalingrad", die Soldaten der Roten Armee waren für sie immer noch "der Iwan".

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Deutsche Ostgebiete unter polnischer Verwaltung !

Matrosen von Kronstadt! Sailors of Kronstadt! Вперёд, Краснофлотцы!

FSU - Former Soviet Union

Republics of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was a federation of Socialist Soviet Republics (SSR). The first Republics were established shortly after the October Revolution of 1917. At that time, republics were technically independent one from another but their governments acted in close coordination. In 1922, four Republics (Russian SFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Belorussian SSR and Transcaucasian SFSR) joined into the Soviet Union. Between 1922 and 1940, the number of Republics grew to sixteen. Some of new Republics were formed from territories conquered by the Soviet Union, others by splitting existing Republics into several parts. The criteria for establishing new republics were as follows:
to be located on the periphery of the Soviet Union so as to be able to exercise their alleged right to secession, be economically strong enough to survive on their own upon secession and be named after the dominant ethnic group which should consist of at least one million people.

The system remained almost unchanged after 1940. No new Republics were established. One republic, Karelo-Finnish SSR, was disbanded in 1956. The remaining 15 Republics existed until the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991 and became independent countries, with some still organized under the heading "Commonwealth of Independent States".
Some republics had common history and geographical regions, and were referred by group names. These were Baltic Republics, Transcaucasian Republics, and Central Asian Republics.

SUHIS - USSR - CCCP - RU - Soviet Union Historical Society - Moscow

Monday, January 24, 2022

History repeating itself ! Operation Barbarossa 1941 - 2022 !


Ukraine-Russia tensions: NATO sending planes, ships to eastern Europe • ... Remember Goebels : WOLLT IHR DEN TOTALEN KRIEG ?

NATO allies sends additional ships, jets to Eastern Europe amid standoff... The Winds of War ! Western Arrogance will be met forcefully !

Operation Barbarossa - 1941 - Tod im Kaukasus 1943

Sunday, January 23, 2022

TRTWORLD NOW: Ukrainian soldiers on alert against Russian threat

TRTWORLD NOW: Sweden deploys troops to Gotland as Russia enters Baltic Sea

German Navy chief resigns over Crimea & Putin comments Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schoenbach has stepped down amid a diplomatic row caused by his ‘personal opinion’

This High-Ranking German Officer has stated the obvious ! And he is not the only one, but Germany is occupied by the USA since 1945, mainly allowed freedom for self-governance, until it crosses red lines of the occupiers !! Then the Americans act !!! The frightened German Politicians are bullied to impose sanctions, stop Northstream2 etc even when it is counter to their own interests. U.S. interests are always placed above local European interests !!! U.S. expansion plans in the guise of freedom and democracy (which does not really exsist in their own country) with a large military presence in Germany and Europe, pushing towards the East, and around the globe, especially in Japan, another WWII defeated and occupied country since 1945, a country whose citizens strongly oppose the military grip on their land !!!
So frightened Europe serves their american masters as buffer zone, cannon fodder in case of a major conflict with their arch enemy RUSSIA !!!

(of course not all of his comments are acceptable - concerning China etc.)

The head of the German Navy, Vice-Admiral Kay-Achim Schoenbach, vacated his post on Saturday evening – just a day after saying that Crimea “will never come back,” and that Vladimir Putin and Russia “probably deserve respect.”
Schoenbach asked Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht to “relieve me of my duties with immediate effect,” with the minister accepting his resignation, according to a statement cited by Reuters.
Speaking at an event organized by an Indian think tank in New Delhi on Friday, the vice-admiral dismissed as “nonsense” the notion that Russia was “interested in having a small and tiny strip of Ukraine soil and integrating it into their country.”
Schoenbach went on to claim that what President Putin wanted was the West to “respect” Russia, adding that “it is easy to give him the respect he really demands – and probably also deserves.” Addressing the issue of Crimea, the German Navy commander opined that the “peninsula is gone” and “will never come back – this is a fact.”

Schoenbach’s comments, which he insists were made in a private capacity, stirred up a diplomatic controversy, with Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry summoning the German ambassador to the country, Anka Feldhusen, on Saturday. Kiev described his remarks as “unacceptable.”

Germany’s Defense Ministry immediately distanced itself from the controversial statements, with its spokesperson characterizing the vice-admiral’s comments as not reflecting “in any way the position” of the ministry, both “in terms of the content and choice of words.”
In an apparent bid to diffuse the situation, the now former navy commander took to Twitter earlier on Saturday, saying that he “should not have done it that way,” and describing his remarks as a “clear mistake.” Several hours later, his name and photo disappeared from the official navy chief’s Twitter handle, and its bio was changed to “currently vacant.”

Moscow has consistently rebutted claims made by Western media and senior officials, according to which Russia is allegedly planning to invade its neighbor any day now. The Kremlin has called the idea “fake news,” while taking issue with the fact that some Western nations are sending weapons to Ukraine. Last month, Russia sent proposals to the US and NATO for treaties with security guarantees, but so far negotiations were unsuccessful in finding terms for an agreement.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Why Ireland split into the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland : " Europe - Un-united Kingdom (UUK) WHO ARE YOU !!! to judge others ? "

The Western Double Standards : Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia was enacted on Sunday, 17 February 2008 by a unanimous vote of the Assembly of Kosovo.[1] All 11 representatives of the Serb minority boycotted the proceedings.[2] International reaction was mixed, and the world community continues to be divided on the issue of the international recognition of Kosovo. The Russian Federation’s reaction to the 2008 Kosovo Declaration of Independence is one of strong opposition.

Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia was enacted on Sunday, 17 February 2008 by a unanimous vote of the Assembly of Kosovo.[1] All 11 representatives of the Serb minority boycotted the proceedings.[2] International reaction was mixed, and the world community continues to be divided on the issue of the international recognition of Kosovo. The Russian Federation’s reaction to the 2008 Kosovo Declaration of Independence is one of strong opposition. Reaction In February 2008, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that "Kosovo’s Provisional Institutions of Self-Government declared a unilateral proclamation of independence of the province, thus violating the sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia, the Charter of the United Nations, UNSCR 1244, the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, Kosovo’s Constitutional Framework and the high-level Contact Group accords". It further said that Russia fully supports Serbia's territorial integrity and that they expect both the United Nations and NATO will "take immediate action to fulfill their mandates as authorized by the Security Council, including voiding the decisions of Pristina's self-governing institutions and adopting severe administrative measures against them". It also requested that a UN Security Council emergency meeting be held to discuss the issue and that "those who are considering supporting separatism should understand what dangerous consequences their actions threaten to have for world order, international stability and the authority of the UN Security Council's decisions that took decades to build".[3] Russian President Vladimir Putin described the recognition of Kosovo's independence by several major world powers as "a terrible precedent, which will de facto blow apart the whole system of international relations, developed not over decades, but over centuries", and that "they have not thought through the results of what they are doing. At the end of the day it is a two-ended stick and the second end will come back and hit them in the face".[4] During an official state visit to Serbia following the declaration, Russian President-elect Dmitry Medvedev reiterated support for Serbia and its stance on Kosovo.[5] In March 2008, Russia said that the recent violence in Tibet is linked with the recognition by some states of the independence of Serbia's breakaway province, Kosovo. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in an interview with a Russian newspaper, also linked the demands for greater autonomy by ethnic Albanians in Macedonia with the Kosovo issue. Lavrov said, "There are ground[s] to presume that this is not occurring by chance. You can see what is happening in Tibet, how the separatists there are acting. The Albanians in Macedonia are already demanding a level of autonomy that is a clear step toward independence. Furthermore, events in other areas of the world give us grounds to assume that we are only at the beginning of a very precarious process".[6] On 23 March 2008, Putin ordered urgent humanitarian aid for Kosovo Serb enclaves.[7] The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, opposed this plan, stating that Russia could only send aid if it were agreed and coordinated with Government in Pristina.[8] On 15 July 2008, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev stated in a major foreign policy speech "For the EU, Kosovo is almost what Iraq is to the United States... This is the latest example of the undermining of international law".[9] On 19 February 2009, Hashim Thaçi announced that Russia is planning the recognition of Kosovo.[10] The Minister Lavrov responded on the following day by saying "I think Mr. Thaci is indulging in wishful thinking... Mr. Thaci is the last person to make statements on behalf of the Russian Federation" and that "When discussing the problem of Kosovo, the Russian side confirms that our position remains the same and supports the settlement of this problem in accordance with Security Council Resolution 1244. Our support for Serbia's course of action in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity also stays firm".[11] On 29 May 2009, President Medvedev described Serbia as a "key partner" for Russia in Southeast Europe and announced "We intend to continue to coordinate our foreign policy moves in future, including the ones related to the solving of the issue with Kosovo".[12] Russian ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Konuzin told a Belgrade daily in June 2009 that "Russia's stand is rather simple — we are ready to back whatever position Serbia takes (with regards to Kosovo)."[13] In September 2009, Vitaly Churkin when asked by journalists why Abkhazia and South Ossetia should be internationally recognised and Kosovo not, said that "the strongest argument is the fact that at the time when Kosovo's authorities made the UDI, nobody was threatening them or putting them in a position where they had to secede. On the contrary, Belgrade even went so far as to refrain from exerting any military or economic pressure on Pristina."[14] On 29 November 2009, Ambassador Konuzin said that Russia will continue to help Serbia "defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity". He also said that "Kosovo echoes in the hearts of all Russians with the same pain as it does in your hearts".[15] During the debate before the ICJ in December 2009, Russia said that general international law prevents Kosovo from declaring independence and that the people of Kosovo do not enjoy a right to self-determination. Russia also rejected the claims coming from those countries who support the unilateral declaration that international law "does not regulate independence declarations", and reminded that the UNSC declared Northern Cyprus and Rhodesia's independence to be illegal, since secession is forbidden outside the colonial context.[16][17] In March 2014, Russia used Kosovo's declaration of independence as a justification for recognizing the independence of Crimea, citing the so-called "Kosovo independence precedent".[18][19] In September 2020, Kosovo and Serbia agreed for economic normalisation with Donald Trump brokering. Though Russia has openly supported Serbia over Kosovo and has still maintained it, Russia also welcomed the normalisation between two nations, signalling another thaw in problematic Kosovan–Russian relations.[20][21]- wikipedia

Eastern Counterforces to NATO ahead ! Full Combat Readiness !

"Turkish invasion of Cyprus" | A divided Cyprus | 1974 - British Propaganda - Fact is that the Turkish Army had to protect the Turkish Minority against Greek Nationalists atrocities

Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti - Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Damals verdammt als "INVASOREN" war - ist und bleibt die Turkei ein Vollmitglied in der NATO zusammen mit dem Zypern Feind Griechenland .... Westliche Heuchelei !
Die Tuerkei musste 1974 die Turkischen Buerger auf Zypern gegen die Griechen beschuetzen, doch Russland verurteilt man weil es seine Buerger im Donbass gegen die Ukrainische Armee und Faschisten schuetzen muss !!!

Damned back then as "invaders", Turkey was - is and remains a full member of NATO together with the North Cyprus enemy, Greece ... Western hypocrisy!
In 1974 Turkey had to protect the Turkish citizens of Northern Cyprus against the Greeks, but Russia is condemned because it has to protect its citizens in Donbass against the Ukrainian army and fascists !!!

watch the arrival of the Turkish Protection Force on YouTube

KKTC’nin Başkenti Lefkoşa'da 20 Temmuz Barış ve Özgürlük Bayramı'nın 45’inci yıl dönümü vesilesiyle Dr. Fazıl Küçük Bulvarı'nda tören düzenlendi.
On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the 20 July Peace and Freedom Day in Nicosia, the Capital of the TRNC, a ceremony was held on Dr. Fazıl Küçük Boulevard.

Deutsche Bundeswehrmacht Panzer rollen gen Russland !!! Deutsche Wehrmacht Panzer 1941 - Wir vergessen nicht und vergeben nicht

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Annalena Baerbock vor gemeinsamen Gesprächen mit Russland zum Ukraine-Konflikt... West Deutschland - wohin ???

Deutsche Bundeswehrmacht Panzer rollen gen Russland !!! Deutsche Wehrmacht Panzer 1941 - Wir vergessen nicht und vergeben nicht !

Russian Armed Forces for the Protection of Russian Population in Distress - Russische Streitkräfte zum Schutz der Russischen Bevölkerung in Not

Russische Schutztruppen


Kрепость Калининград ! Граница России! Впереди восточные вооруженные силы!
Fortress Kaliningrad ! Russian Border ! Eastern Counter Forces Ahead !
WTO - Warsaw Treaty Organization
Eastern roots are indestructible !
CSTO - Collective Security Treaty Organization

Endstation Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau Hölle auf Erden ! - Die deutsche Aussenministerin sprach in Moskau von Scham und Schuld und gebaertete sich schamlos mit Drohworten gegenueber Russland ! Ihr deutschen Heuchler !

"Jene Deutsche und ehemalige Helfers Helfer, die ihr dies alles nur vergessen wollt und nicht mehr wahrhaben wollt - ihr Holocaust Verleugner in aller Welt und ihr Anti-Semiten - dieses Verbrechen,dieser Holocaust, dieser Wahnsinn der "Endlösung der Judenfrage" und der Ueberfall auf die Sowjetunion wird NIEMALS - NIEMALS vergessen und vergeben sein !!!"
Auf der Wannseekonferenz kamen am 20. Januar 1942 in einer Villa am Großen Wannsee in Berlin fünfzehn hochrangige Vertreter der nationalsozialistischen Reichsregierung und SS-Behörden zusammen, um unter dem Vorsitz des SS-Obergruppenführers Reinhard Heydrich in seiner Funktion als Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD den begonnenen Holocaust an den Juden im Detail zu organisieren und die Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Instanzen zu koordinieren.
Auftrag Hermann Görings an Reinhard Heydrich vom 31. Juli 1941
Ein Dokument der Wannseekonferenz; hier die vorbereitete Liste der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Europa. Entgegen verbreiteter Meinung war es nicht Hauptzweck der Konferenz, den Holocaust zu beschließen – diese Entscheidung war mit den seit dem Angriff auf die Sowjetunion (22. Juni 1941) stattfindenden Massenmorden in vom Deutschen Reich besetzten Gebieten faktisch schon gefallen –, sondern in den Grundzügen die Deportation der gesamten jüdischen Bevölkerung Europas zur Vernichtung in den Osten zu organisieren und die erforderliche Koordination sicherzustellen.[1] Die Teilnehmer legten den zeitlichen Ablauf für die weiteren Massentötungen fest, grenzten die dafür vorgesehenen Opfergruppen genauer ein und einigten sich auf eine Zusammenarbeit unter der Leitung des Reichssicherheitshauptamts (RSHA), das Heydrich führte.
Dies war das Hauptanliegen Heydrichs, den der Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring am 31. Juli 1941 mit der Gesamtorganisation der „Endlösung der Judenfrage“ beauftragt hatte. Daraufhin hatte Heydrich im Dezember 1941 zu der streng geheimen Konferenz eingeladen, an der Staatssekretäre aus verschiedenen Reichsministerien und dem Generalgouvernement, ein Ministerialdirektor der Reichskanzlei sowie leitende Beamte der Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo), des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD) und der Parteikanzlei teilnahmen. Protokollant war der SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, Heydrichs Referent für „Judenangelegenheiten“.

79 Jahre danach - Weihnachten 1942 - 2021

Ringsendung des "Großdeutschen" Rundfunks

Und die SS Henker sangen : " Stille Nacht - Heilige Nacht " blut besudelten Händen !
Weihnachten 1942 in der Hölle der KZs und an den Fronten - SATANISCHE ENTWEIHUNG NACHT !

Grabgesang auch fuer 200,000 Deutsche Soldaten im Kessel von Stalingrad !

And the SS executioners sang: "Silent Night - Holy Night" ... with bloodstained hands... Christmas 1942 in the hell of the concentration camps - SATANIC DESECRATION NIGHT!
Also grave vocals for 200.000 German soldiers trapped around Stalingrad!

Air Defense - Radar Stations

Moskau Flak 1941 !

Charge of the Don Cossacks Атака Донских Казаков

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Presseclub - Eskalation oder Entspannung: Was plant Putin?

Die anmassende, arrogante Haltung von Gesine Dornblueth* hat wieder einmal deutlich gemacht wie verlogen und heuchlerisch der Westen gegenueber Russland ist !(hoert man ihre arroganten, abfaelligen Ausfuehrungen laesst das auf Gehirnwaesche oppositioneller Kreise in Moskau schliessen)

Da ist die Rede von oben herab, ja schon spoettisch ueber die gefaehrliche Unberechbarkeit der Russischen Fuehrung, die aus Grossmacht allueren handelt,die man Russland nicht durchkommen lassen darf !(Was bildet Gesine Dornblueth sich hier ein, was masst sie sich hier an?) und das Russland internationale Abkommen nicht einhaelt. Die Tatsache das Europa von den USA manipuliert werden um die amerikanische Vormachtsstellung weiter zu foerdern mit allen Mitteln, ob legal oder illegal ist hier nach westlichen Regeln erlaubt. Hier geht es um die Einkreisung Russlands unter amerikanischer Regie und Europa hat zu folgen! Russland hat ein Recht auf Sicherheit und laesst sich die amerikanische Einmischung durch ihre Europaeischen Vassalen Staaten nicht gefallen !

*Gesine Dornblüth (* 1969 in Niedersachsen[1]) ist eine deutsche Slawistin und Hörfunkjournalistin. Sie war von Februar 2012 bis Anfang 2017 als Auslandskorrespondentin für das Deutschlandradio in Moskau[2] tätig sowie als Autorin und Reporterin für alle Rundfunkanstalten der ARD. Dornblüth arbeitet seither mit ihren Kollegen im Journalistenbüro Texte und Töne. - wikipedia

BREAKING! Putin: US Wants To Put Hypersonic Missiles In Ukraine! Russia has "Nowhere To Retreat"!...


Charge of the Don Cossacks Атака Донских Казаков

Monday, January 17, 2022

Putin's security zone in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan or new Soviet Union... -DW Deutsche Welle - West Propaganda !

Every country is free to choose ? The USA does all the choosing for them !
Europe - especially in the East are pawns in USA grip to get closer to Russia !


Kрепость Калининград ! Граница России! Впереди восточные вооруженные силы!
Fortress Kaliningrad ! Russian Border ! Eastern Counter Forces Ahead !
WTO - Warsaw Treaty Organization
Eastern roots are indestructible !
CSTO - Collective Security Treaty Organization

Don Cossacks come to the aid of their brothers in the Donbas

Warschawjanka - NVA - Nationale Volksarmee DVRD - DDR - Sondereinheiten der Kasernierten Volkspolizei - Kaliningrad

Warszawianka! The Song of Warsaw!

"Warszawianka!", "The Song of Warsaw", is a Polish communist revolutionary song which served as one of the anthems of the Polish Socialist Party. The original version of the song was written between 1879 and 1883 by Wacław Święcicki and was the main song of the workers protests agains the Kingdom of Poland.

«Warszawianka!», «Песня Варшавы», является польской коммунистической революционной песней, которая служила одним из гимнов Польской социалистической партии. Оригинальная версия песни была написана между 1879 и 1883 годами Wacław Święcicki и была главной песней рабочих протестов снова в Королевстве Польша.

"Warszawianka!", "Pieśń Warszawy", to polska komunistyczna rewolucyjna piosenka, która była jednym z hymnów polskiej partii socjalistycznej. Oryginalna wersja utworu została napisana przez Wacława Święcickiego między 1879 a 1883 r. I była głównym utworem protestów robotniczych z czasów Królestwa Polskiego.
(Polskie Napisy, English Subtitles)

Der Tod - Matthias Claudius - 21.01.1815 - 2022


Der Tod

Ach, es ist so dunkel in des Todes Kammer,
Tönt so traurig, wenn er sich bewegt
Und nun aufhebt seinen schweren Hammer
Und die Stunde schlägt.

Matthias Claudius 1740-1815

Polish Millenium Parade(1966)

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Warnung ! - Предупреждение ! - Warning ! - Ostrzeżenie ! - Увага !

Предупреждение ! НИКОГДА не направляйте на нас оружие! и вспомни, насколько ты близок к России и как далеко от тебя США. Если США и Запад купили вас за дешевые доллары и евро и манипулировали вами, вы на самом деле не знаете, с какими опасностями вы сталкиваетесь в результате таких предательских действий. Ваши народы и ваши армии не позволят вам нанести им поражение! Те, кто наделил вас полномочиями, также могут лишить вас власти!
Hе болтай ! Keep silent - Enemy is listening ! Wróg słyszy z ! Feind hört mit !

WARNING: NEVER point your weapons at us ! and remember how close you are to Russia and how far the USA is from you.
If you allow yourselves for cheap dollars to be bought and manipulated you don't really know the actual dangers which you are facing by such treacherous acts. Your peoples and your armies will not permit you to cause their downfall ! Those who empowered you can also strip you of power !

Warnung ! - Richten Sie Ihre Waffen NIEMALS auf uns! und denken Sie daran, wie nah Sie an Russland sind und wie weit die USA von Ihnen entfernt ist. Wenn die USA und der Westen Sie für billige Dollar und Euro gekauft und manipuliert haben, kennen Sie die tatsächlichen Gefahren nicht wirklich, denen Sie durch solche verräterischen Handlungen ausgesetzt sind. Ihre Völker und Armeen werden nicht zulassen, dass Sie ihren Untergang herbeiführen! Diejenigen, die Sie ermächtigt haben, können sie auch wieder entmachten !

Ostrzeżenie ! - NIGDY nie celuj w nas broni! i pamiętaj, jak blisko jesteś do Rosji i jak daleko od Ciebie są Stany Zjednoczone. Jeśli Stany Zjednoczone i Zachód kupiły cię za tanie dolary i euro i zmanipulowały tobą, tak naprawdę nie wiesz, jakie niebezpieczeństwa narażają cię na takie zdradzieckie działania. Wasze ludy i wasze armie nie pozwolą wam spowodować ich upadku! Ci, którzy cię wzmocnili, mogą cię również pozbawić władzy!

Увага ! - НІКОЛИ не направляйте зброю на нас! і згадайте, наскільки ви близькі до Росії і як далеко від вас США. Якщо США та Захід купували вас за дешеві долари та євро і маніпулювали вами, ви насправді не знаєте, які реальні небезпеки вам загрожують такі зрадницькі дії. Ваші народи і ваші армії не дозволять вам спричинити їхнє падіння! Ті, хто наділяв вас повноваженнями, також можуть позбавити вас влади!

Hе болтай ! Keep silent - Enemy is listening ! Feind hört mit ! Wróg słyszy z !

Putin replies to a BBC Journalist: Yes, Compared To You, We Are White And Fluffy...

The USA and the West are doing as they please in blatant disregard of laws and agreements and then they blame the Russians for their defensive counter measures ?

Saturday, January 15, 2022


Kрепость Калининград ! Граница России! Впереди восточные вооруженные силы!
Fortress Kaliningrad ! Russian Border ! Eastern Counter Forces Ahead !
WTO - Warsaw Treaty Organization
Eastern roots are indestructible !
CSTO - Collective Security Treaty Organization

NVA Manöver maneuver

U.S. Airforce kicked out of K2 - Karshi - Khanabad Airbase in 2005 ! Now they try to get a foothold in Kazakhstan - they want to control and strangulate : a tight grip on states of the former Soviet Union to confront Russia


Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD.DDR - Berlin DDR - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF


Brandenburger Tor






DVRD.DDR - Berlin - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF
Sonderstatus - "Deutsche Bundesländer - Ost"




Berlin DDR
Ho Chi Minh City
Tel Aviv

Buenos Aires
La Paz
Santiago de Chile

DDR Botschaft Moskau - Aussenstelle Tel Aviv


Convoyes de inmigración latina en EE.UU. - Fronteras Sur:


Generalkonsulat Kaliningrad


CUBA - El Commandante Fidel Castro - Commandante Che Guevara

Latein Amerika

SUHIS - Sociedad Histórica de la Unión Soviética - Internacional
Moscu,Berlina,Paris,Roma,Varsovia,Belgrado,Sofia, Lisboa,Barcelona,Madrid,Tel Aviv