1949-2024 * 75 Jahre Deutsche Demokratische Republik

1945-2024 * 79 Jahre Sowjetische-Russische Freundschaft

Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD.DDR - Berlin DDR - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF

Updates - BER - TLV 13/05/2024

DVRD.DDR Tel Aviv - IL -- Botschaft Moskau - RF - 13 /05 /2024

India Time Zone

Monday, 13. May 2024 (GMT+5:30) Time in New Delhi, Delhi, India


Indian Military Parade

Thursday, March 31, 2022

asia.pali - एशियापाली Echo from a distant Past - Spirit of Pali Rajasthan - Bharat - India दूर के अतीत की गूंज - पाली राजस्थान की आत्मा - भारत!

रात समाप्त हुई और सूरज उग आया है

Sendeschluss: 13/04/22/0:00 +++++ +++++ +++++

A.R. Rahman - Maa Tujhe Salaam | Vande Mataram A.R. Rahman | Independence Day Song A.R. Rahman

Gravitas Plus: The story of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky

DFMA Terra Sancta, Dec. 2012 The Illusion of the “Two-State Solution – Israel – Palestine “ - update: May 2022 - NOTHING HAS CHANGED !

Mutual regocnition of two sovereign, independent states Israel & Palestine living peacefully side-by-side with their capitals of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem – capital of Palestine) US-Russian – Intl Security Guarantees Honorable and fair solution to the Refugee Questions Final secure borders mutually agreed upon during peace negotiations based on the road-map for peace and UN reso 242/338 The Palestinian/Arab side did not recognize the UN resolutions adopted in 1947 for the creation of two states, but rather responded with invasion, aimed at the destruction of the Jewish State.

The ” right of self-determination ” and the ” right of return ” (al haq al auwdah) remain the main policy, even until now … this means the elimination of Israel and replacement with a Palestinian State instead ….

The PNA, Palestinian Authority talks about two states in the 1967 borders (which are not defensible by Israel), but no Palestinian public support, no mass rallies calling for peace and reconcilition with Israel have ever been seen on the streets of the Westbank, quite the contrary is the case,whereas Gaza under (legally elected) Hamas Control,proclaims the final goals of ridding Palestine from the Jewish “Zionist” State … this is said and taught in kindergarden,schools and everywhere else, seeing the elimination of the Jewish State a mere ” matter of time ” … To them it matters not whether you are dovish good people, tolerant and well-intentioned, or whether you are hawkish, stubborn and ready for the fight (they always prefer the latter type of opponent) …

As long as this attitude which is being rekindled with every military campaign, every war there seriously cannot any group of people in their right mind be so naiiv as to think of a PEACEFUL – 2 state solution.

Those well-meaning groups of “peace activists” who are so one-sided and blinded by propaganda are driven by wishful unrealistic thinking, ignoring the fundamental threat which actually is so noisely apparent und unfolding everyday anew under their very eyes, but they remain blinded and deaf to these fundamental threats ! Often there is such a huge mentality gap, and a tendency to see the Palestinians through their western eyes and code of conduct, which is so very different and foreign beyond their comprehension.

Often these (mostly western) organizations do not realize their being cleverly and cynically exploited by Palestinian Propaganda, which is based on the human suffering, the terrible conditions of ongoing occupation for already over 4 decades, and which continues to be the main problem in the future.

The fact that much of the suffering is self-inflicted through the upholding of the “destruction of the zionist entity ” doctrine, the use of children and civilians as human shields, behind which armed militants conduct their deadly business, is blanked out so that only the tragic human suffering from the harsh occupation remains the main focus point, totally ignoring and disregarding the actual cause of such suffering and mishandling.

The suffering is terrible and must come to an end, must be eased as soon as possible. But the “HOW” is the biggest question,the most fateful question …

This requires readiness for compromise and sharing, a propect foreign to the unyielding position of regaining all of Palestine which was “stolen” from them, ignoring the historical background.

“DFMA Terra Sancta” does not automatically endorse the various peace and human rights organizations,but is rather critical of their policies, focusing on the human aspect, the support to ease living conditions under prolonged occupation.

At the same time we do not endorse Israeli right-wing harshness with regards to the settlements or demonstration of power, and the trampling on human and civil rights, despite the bitter conflict.

We recognize Israeli cautioness in dealing with its security concerns in view of increasing threat from the Palestinian and Arab side, it’s lack of trust which the Palestinians themselves are responsible for through their raging hatred and reaction towards the Jewish state. The Palestinian charter was never cancelled, but danced around with amendments designed to put Israel and the USA at ease, but the fundmentals have unfortunately not changed. The dilemma exist and is getting bigger with each passing year, with no practical solution in sight …

Both sides under the illusion of winning this struggle one-sidely in their favor, will come to realize that such action will lead to the opposite of their aspirations, as there will be no winners – only losers, while a more balanced approached could actually result in the resolve of the conflict and peaceful co-existence.

Until such time, if ever, everything else will just remain one-sided, well intentioned but useless, even harmful
Easing the suffering can be likened to para-medics in the battle zone who,if true paramedics will treat the wounds,no matter whose side the injured might belong to.
For this they deserve credit, but for not understanding the true nature of the conflict and the destructive powers at work,or not willing to be fair and even-balanced we will not praise them !

At the same time we call upon the Israeli side to ease the joke of occupation, to strive for dialoge and refrain from one-sided actions that can be viewed of aiming at a one-state (Jewish) solution with a hostile Arab-Palestinian population which will eventually outnumber the Jewish inhabitants …
Such policies are folly and self-defeating !

We can liken the present stage of affairs in Israel to a wonderful mansion, full of prosperity,progress and luxury, a carefree life and a wonderful future …. All this takes place in the upper floors, the grandious gardens and wonderful surroundings, while deep down in the basement a terrible activity takes place, unnoticed and ignored by the inhabitants of this wonderful mansion, only recognized by a small group of guards on duty …. Like termites gnawing away the foundations this mansion will be doomed if the harmful underming activity in the fundaments are not being taken care of !
So do not pretend that all is in order and all is well but search for a solution day and night

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Gelber Stern - Ost - DFMA Terra Sancta - Holy Land

The Holy Land is covered in Darkness for much too long !
The bright sunlight does not manage to chase the darkness out of the hearts of it’s inhabitants !
Darkness and dispair – neurosis,mania-depression and increasing agression,paranoia,discrimination and oppression instead of Peace – Joy and Happiness !

Besetzte Gebiete
Ein taegliches hartes gnadenloses Ringen von dem die israelische Bevoelkerung nichts wissen will, mit dem sie nicht konfrontiert werden will.
Sicherheitskontrollen, Verhaftungen, Verbitterung, Verzweifelungen, Vergeltung, Entwuerdigung, Angst, Wut und Hass auf beiden Seiten, Faustrecht des Staerkeren – Gewalt und Gegengewalt ein teuflicher Kreis der bereits schon 54 Jahre andauert …
Im Radius von nur 100 Kilometern spielen sich taeglich Dramen ab. Dramen von denen wir nichts wissen wollen,denn wir leben unser scheinbar sorgloses Leben.
Die 54 jaehrige Okkupation ist unertraeglich und unhaltbar fuer beide Seiten. Gewalt und Gegengewalt, Terror, Blut und Traenen. Und KEINER will wirklich und aufrichtig nachgeben,oder vermeint nicht nachgeben zu koennen, um nicht die eigene Existenz zu gefaehrden, Aufgabe bedeutet Niederlage und den sicheren Tod, Selbstmord …
Wir verdammen jede Form der Gewalt, besonders die Selbstmord Aktionen islamischer Extremisten gegen die Zivilbevoelkerung !
Da erschiessen Terroristen kaltbluetig kleine, unschuldige juedische Kinder in ihren Betten,da feuern israelische Panzer ihre schweren Panzergranaten in die Staedte,da wird aus der Luft bombardiert,die auch unschuldige,zuviele unschuldige Zivilbevoelkerung trifft.
Zuviele Fehler begeht die Armee, und sie entschuldigt sich, doch keine Entschuldigung und kein Bedauern machen die unschuldigen Opfer wieder lebendig ….
Zuviele Ueberfaelle, Raketenabschuesse Richtung Israel werden aus den Lagern und Staedten abgefeuert, auf Milde hoffend, da ja Zivilbevoelkerung als Schutzschilde herhalten muessen !
Und prompt folgt der Gegenschlag, sind neue Opfer zu beklagen … Zivilisten duerfen niemals als menschliche Schilde missbraucht werden !
Jeden Tag werden neue Graeber gegraben, jeden Tag wird irgendwo im Heiligen Lande die Erde mit Blut getraenkt.Ein Land frisst seine Kinder. Die gegenseitige,unmenschliche Umklammerung ist so grausam fuer alle Beteiligten, das Leid und Elend ist riesengross.
Beide Seiten opfern ihre Kinder und Soehne, wie rasende Woelfe, die in einander verbissen sind und die Kehle des anderen zerfleischen wollen.

DFMA – Jerusalem : NO TO VIOLENCE !!! - The Jerusalem Alliance for a Just Peace in the Middle East

A healthy Israeli state cannot develop on the ruins of a shattered and scattered Palestinian People
No matter how hard one tries to rationalize, there is NO moral or historical justification for too many decades of oppression and brutal occupation !
Blows and counter-blows drain both nations ! We condem the violence on both sides !
Normality is just an Illusion ! NOTHING is or will be normal around the Holy Land in this current limbo state.
The Leaderships,altho aware, prefer to keep the people pre-occupied with materialism, sweeping the real,painful issues under the carpet
Both Israeli and Palestinian Militants prefer armed confrontation instead of serious peace talks and painful compromise Both people have a right to the truth and a right to security and peace !
Disaster is one stone-throw away – looms over our heads – hangs in the air – always – This must stop – the violent spell must be broken…”
The Jerusalem Alliance for a Just Peace in the Middle East

The “United States of Amnesia.”

It’s not for nothing that the US has been called the “United States of Amnesia.” The same leaders who invaded Iraq and killed a million people, who are starving Yemenis and Afghans, and who took every opportunity to escalate rather than de-escalate the conflict in Ukraine since 2014, have suddenly dusted off their international law books with regard to Russia and are celebrating and promising to arm the Ukranians.

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer - Sep.25-2015

Sergej Lawrow zur Lage in der Ukraine am 28.03.22 - Phoenix - (Westdeutschland)

Monday, March 28, 2022

CSTO !!! Collective Security Treaty Organization - Организация Договора о коллективной безопасности !!! - NATO - OST ? - NEIN DANKE !!! NATO - EAST ? NO THANK YOU !!!

When An Indian Historian Lashed Out At The West

Who really holds the matchstick while the world burns? This 2021 speech by Indian historian Vijay Prashad throws all kinds of shade at the global climate debate. #TBT

ShanghaiEye魔都眼 : China warns of reciprocal countermeasures over US so-called visa restrictions on Chinese officials...

Phoenix TV: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken released a statement on March 21 saying the US is imposing visa restrictions on Chinese officials for their involvement in human rights violations such as repressive acts against members of ethnic and religious minority groups, dissidents and others inside and outside of China’s borders, including within the US. Do you have any comment?

Wang Wenbin: The US statement, full of ideological bias and political lies, maligns and smears China and wantonly imposes restrictions on Chinese officials. It contravenes international law and basic norms governing international relations and grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs. We firmly reject it.

The Chinese people can tell better than anyone else how China’s human rights conditions are. The US is in no position to pass judgement. The Chinese government follows a people-centered human rights philosophy and implements the constitutional principle of respecting and protecting human rights. We take the rights to subsistence and development as the primary basic human rights, make coordinated efforts to promote all people’s economic, political, social, cultural and environmental rights, strive to uphold social equity and justice, and promote the well-rounded development of each individual. China has successfully blazed a trail of human rights development that is in keeping with the trend of the times and its national realities. Thanks to this, China’s human rights cause has made historic achievement and the 1.4 billion Chinese people’s sense of fulfillment, happiness and security in human rights protection has continually improved. As the international community can see, China’s human rights conditions have never been better.

The worst human rights violations in the world were committed by no other than the US. Throughout its history, the US slaughtered, expelled and assimilated Native Americans physically, geographically and culturally, committing systemic human rights abuses. These crimes are more than enough to constitute de facto genocide. The US conducted systemic ethnic cleansing against the American Indians over more than a century after the country was founded. The population of American Indians nosedived from 5 million at the end of the 15th century to 250,000 at the beginning of the 20th century. The US government also adopted cultural assimilation policies, leading to cultural genocide against the American Indians.

The tribulations of Native Americans are far from being the full story of the US’ poor human rights record. The US botched response to COVID-19 has led to the death of over 970,000 Americans, and the persistent and systemic racial discrimination is so deeply entrenched that people like George Floyd cannot breathe. The US aggression overseas violates human rights of people in other countries, inflicting untold sufferings. The US even flagrantly seized the $7 billion frozen assets of the Afghan central bank. By robbing the Afghan people of their life-saving money, it has aggravated the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Yet, such a country has been clamoring for pressure and sanctions on other countries in the name of “protecting human rights”. Such tricks are doomed to fail. 

We urge the US to earnestly reflect upon and rectify its numerous crimes. In the meantime, it should view China’s human rights situation in an objective and just manner, stop denigrating and suppressing the Chinese side and immediately revoke its so-called sanctions against Chinese officials. Otherwise, the Chinese side shall take reciprocal countermeasures in response.

An: DVRD DDR - Kaliningrad - Moskau : 28.03.22 - 19:00 +++++ DS2GS2 ++++++

Von: DVRD.DDR Aussenstelle Tel Aviv ++++++

Heintje - Deine Tränen Sind Auch Meine

Heintje & Don Kosaken Chor - Abendglocken (Oh Glockenton)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sendeschluss 28.03.22 - 02:00 +++++

WION: Gravitas: US hid a 2019 war crime in Syria that killed civilians - America calls itself a 'beacon' of human rights

27.03.22 - 18:00 ++++ This just one example of the many more war crimes committed ....

America calls itself a 'beacon' of human rights, but it covered up a 2019 war crime in Syria. An airstrike killed 60 civilians, the U.S. military downplayed the deaths & 'sanitised' the reports. Palki Sharma asks: Who will sanction the US for its war crimes?

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Sendepause - Transmission down - 24.03.22 - 0:00 +++++++ Gute Nacht - Good Night !

Gute Nacht ! Good Night - 24.03.22 - 0:00 ++++

Poland is pushing the EU into crisis

Pretty Radical: Inside Poland's Far Right - part one | Guardian Docs

Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT

China sends Ukraine humanitarian aid, not weapons, says China’s ambassador..

Hilfe des DRK gemeinsam mit dem Ukrainischen Roten Kreuz

Angesichts der andauernden Kampfhandlungen in der Ukraine wird die Not der Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer sowohl im Land als auch auf der Flucht und damit ihr Bedarf an humanitärer Hilfe immer dringlicher und größer. Im Rahmen eines Soforthilfeprojektes werden umfassende Hilfsmaßnahmen zur Versorgung der Zivilbevölkerung und der Menschen auf der Flucht in die Wege geleitet und fortlaufend ausgeweitet.

DRK: Ukraine- Humanitäre Hilfe

Gravitas: Joe Biden calls Putin a war criminal

DVRD.DDR - TLV - 24.03.22 - 11:00 ++++

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Sendepause - Gute Nacht - Good Night ! 23.03.22 - 0:00 ++++ Transmission down +++

AsiaPali- एशिया पाली - پالی - пали - Asian Homecomings: 1000 All-Girl Choir pay tribute to A.R. Rahman at ...

AsiaPali- एशिया पाली - پالی - пали - Asian Homecomings: 1000 All-Girl Choir pay tribute to A.R. Rahman at ...: Brothers Incorporated A R Rahman's 'Vande Mataram' never fails to tug at the heartstrings of their Indian heritage. And what better way to evoke these sentiments than by the sweet melodies sung with such innocence by 1000 all-girl choir from Gems Our Own English High School. Making this experience even more special was the surprise visit from the Maestro himself!...

Brothers Incorporated
A R Rahman's 'Vande Mataram' never fails to tug at the heartstrings of those who are proud of their Indian heritage. And what better way to evoke these sentiments than by the sweet melodies sung with such innocence by 1000 all-girl choir from Gems Our Own English High School. Making this experience even more special was the surprise visit from the Maestro himself!

A big Thank you to: GEMS Education, GEMS Our Own English High School, Dubai for supporting us, all the girls and their parents. Music coordinator: Kevin J Oliver - Concept & Execution: CQ Innovation

Gravitas: From Iraq to Afghanistan: America's trail of deaths

Sehnsucht nach Frieden und Glueck ! Longing for Peace and Happiness ! PEACE !!!! not PIECE !!!! - Freddy Quinn - La Paloma !

Sunday, March 20, 2022



Vor Reisen in die Ukraine wird gewarnt. Deutsche Staatsangehörige sind dringend aufgefordert, das Land zu verlassen. In der Ukraine finden Kampfhandlungen und Raketenangriffe statt. Falls Sie das Land nicht auf einem sicheren Weg verlassen können, bleiben Sie vorläufig an einem geschützten Ort. Der Luftraum ist vorübergehend geschlossen; eine Ausreise ist grundsätzlich auf dem Landweg möglich.

Eine Evakuierung durch deutsche Behörden ist derzeit nicht möglich. Das Generalkonsulat Donezk (in Dnipro) und die deutsche Botschaft Kiew sind vorübergehend nicht besetzt.

Verfolgen Sie die internationalen und lokalen Medien und achten Sie auf lokale Bekanntmachungen. Tragen Sie sich in die Krisenvorsorgeliste des Auswärtigen Amts ein. Sollten Sie bereits die Ukraine verlassen haben, tragen Sie sich bitte umgehend aus der Krisenvorsorgeliste aus. Aufgrund des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine sind die Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung deutscher Staatsangehöriger sehr begrenzt. Wenden Sie sich in Notfällen bitte an das Auswärtige Amt. Beachten Sie die Ausgangssperre.

HOTLINE : +49-30-5000-3000

Saturday, March 19, 2022

ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT - IslamPeace - Al Rashidun ++++++ SEP 15 2001 - PRESS RELEASE


As Salaamu aleiqum ...
ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT - IslamPeace- Al Kharakat Al Islamiyyah Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami - Al Rashidun and its 3 main organisations:

1.Al Andalus - Samarkand - Islamic-Universal Transformation
2.Al Hilal Al Asfar - Al Tala'iayun - Yellow Crescent Pioneers
3.Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Islamic -Universal Voice of Peace

express their profound condolences to the American People over the major tragedy and calamity which has befallen their country on Sep 11, 2001 in New York , Washington DC and other places.

We condem this outrageous action and be-mourn together with all peace-loving people - yes the entire human civilization, the loss of so many innocent lives.

We would like at the same time remind the world of the loss of innocent lives and shedding of blood in other, numerous parts of this globe. Always the Helpless women and children, the Weak and Elderly pay the terrible price for cruel and irresponsible actions committed by others.

As the USA and the Western Nations get ready to retaliate, we see before our eyes the killings and suffering of innocent civilians, the nightmare of screaming babies and children and their mothers ....
We turn our eyes heavenwards in prayers " Oh Lord have Mercy upon the Innocent ! " -

ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - Hamburg - Almanya

All our peace efforts are thrown backwards in view of the brutal forces at work ....
But we shall continue and lengthen our stride and double our efforts to bring Light, Hope, Peace , Unity and Happiness and lift the many heavy burdens from so many despairing souls.

May Allah, Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala, give us the strength and wisdom and guide us ....

Wa salaamu aleiqum wa Rachmatullah wa Barakatou
Bagheban-e Islam,Khalil Abdullah - Al Rashid
The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim,
Za'im Al Kharakat Al Islamiyyah Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami
Al Sultah A-Tahauwol Al Islami Al Shamal Al Alaami - Hamburg Almaniya

ATOMKRIEG ? Na dann Gute Nacht Marie !

6 Ağustos 1945-Hiroşima - Nagasaki !!! U.S. WAR CRIMES !!!! WATCH CAREFULLY : BIDEN - SULLIVAN - BLINKEN - AUSTIN !!!! Your constant threats against Russia caused the present crisis !

I've studied nuclear war for 35 years -- you should be worried. | Brian Toon | TEDxMileHigh ...

Friday, March 18, 2022

Kaukasus - Кавказ - ДОН - КУБАНЬ: Death in the Caucasus March 1943 - Russian & German Heritage ...

Kaukasus - Кавказ - ДОН - КУБАНЬ: Death in the Caucasus March 1943 - Russian & Germa...: Fuer Miriam,in Gedenken an die sechs Millionen Juden und der 27 Millionen Bürger der Sowjet-Union /Russen und noch so vieler mehr ! alle i...

demo mode +++++ has no meaning !

wwssshh.mnn ppp ,,,, iyyyybb gw w w wnbjhbknkjlj nnmlnnbnmmn.,n..,n czxcvcvjhgvjvmnb mb ;lk;lopip[kp[oihgdfdfsf ., ,m nb bn

Transmission down +++++ 18.03.22 - 12:15 - 15:15 +++++

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD DDR

Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD DDR
Niemals sollte vergessen werden, dass auch heute noch - 32 Jahre nach der Konterrevolution und Einverleibung der DDR in die Amerikanische Besatzungszone Westdeutschland - sogenannte "BRD"- Millionen DDR Buerger ihrer Heimat treu geblieben sind, Soldaten und Offiziere der Nationalen Volksarmee, der Grenztruppen und Angehoerige aller Bewaffneten Organe der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik ihren geleisteten Treueeid niemals gebrochen haben und auch nicht brechen werden, so wie das andere leider getan haben. Mit Unterdrueckung und Todschweigen ist dem " Bund der DDR Getreuen " bestehend aus ueber 2 Millionen DDR Buergern nicht beizukommen ! Die westdeutsche Luegenpresse und die Amis moegen verdrehen und weiter versuchen diese Tatsachen unter den Bundesdeutschen Tisch zu kehren, aber da muehen sich alle Verleumder vergebens.
In allen Staaten des Ostblocks sind sich viele Bürger ihrer alten Pflichten bewusst und halten an der alten Ordnung fest.
Никогда нельзя забывать, что даже сегодня - спустя 32 год после контрреволюции и включения ГДР в американскую оккупационную зону Западной Германии - миллионы граждан ГДР остались верны своей родине. Солдаты и офицеры Национальной народной армии, пограничных войск и служащие всех вооруженных органов Германской Демократической Республики никогда не нарушали и не нарушат присяги на верность, как это, к сожалению, сделали другие. С «Организацией лоялистов ГДР», состоящей из более чем 2 миллионов граждан ГДР, нельзя бороться подавлением и молчанием! Западногерманская лживая пресса и американцы могут и дальше пытаться замести эти факты под стол, но все усилия клеветников тщетны. Во всех государствах Восточного блока многие граждане осознают свои старые обязательства и привержены старому порядку.

Wir verurteilen Kriegsverbrechen von wem auch immer sie begangen werden !!

17.03.22 - 13:30 MSK ! Wir verurteilen Kriegsverbrechen von wem auch immer sie begangen werden !!! Wir verurteilen aber auch einseitige Informationen - Ignorieren eigener Straftaten !!! Wir verurteilen auch militärische Praktiken, die unschuldige Zivilisten als menschliche Schutzschilde benutzen – Verbrechen gegen ihre eigene Bevölkerung, um die USA und die NATO in den 3. Weltkrieg zu ziehen!

Wir senden unsere Gebete gen Himmel: Oh Herr, erbarme dich der Unschuldigen! Wir sehen vor unseren Augen den Albtraum von Frauen und Kindern - von weinenden Babys und alten Menschen, die vor dem Tod fliehen, und verlassenen hilflosen Tieren, die im Inferno zurückgelassen wurden ...

United States War Crimes : the Federal government of the United States strongly opposes the International Criminal Court (ICC) treaty, arguing that the Court lacks checks and balances, and thus does not accept ICC jurisdiction over its nationals.

United States war crimes are the violations of the laws and customs of war which the United States Armed Forces has committed against signatories after the signing of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. These have included the summary execution of captured enemy combatants, the mistreatment of prisoners during interrogation, the use of torture, and the use of violence against civilians and non-combatants.

War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996 and through various articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). However, the Federal government of the United States strongly opposes the International Criminal Court (ICC) treaty, arguing that the Court lacks checks and balances,[1] and thus does not accept ICC jurisdiction over its nationals.[2]

War crimes are defined as acts which violate the laws and customs of war established by the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, or acts that are grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I and Additional Protocol II.[3] The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 extends the protection of civilians and prisoners of war during military occupation, even in the case where there is no armed resistance, for the period of one year after the end of hostilities, although the occupying power should be bound to several provisions of the convention as long as "such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory."[4][5]

Contents 1 Definition 2 List of war crimes in chronological order
2.1 Philippine–American War - 2.2 Banana Wars - 2.2.1 First and Second Caco Wars - 2.3 World War II - 2.3.1 Pacific theater - Mutilation of Japanese war dead - War rape - 2.3.2 European theater - Rape - 2.4 Korean War - 2.5 Vietnam War - 2.5.1 My Lai Massacre - 2.5.2 Operation Speedy Express - 2.5.3 Phoenix Program - 2.5.4 Tiger Force

2.5.5 Other perpetrated crimes:
2.6 War on Terror - 2.6.1 Command responsibility - 2.6.2 Iraqi occupation - 2.7 War in Afghanistan - 2.8 Iraq War - 3 References - 4 Sources - 5 Further reading - 5.1 General - 5.2 By nation - 6 External links


17.03.22 - 13:30 MSK ! We condemn war crimes by whomever committed !!! But we also condemn one-sided information - ignoring own criminal acts !!! We also condemn military practices using innocent civilians as Human shields - crimes against their own population in order to drag the USA - NATO into WW3 !

We send our prayers heavenwards : Oh Lord have mercy on the innocent ! We see before our eyes the nightmare of women and children - of crying babies and the elderly fleeing from death and abandoned helpless animals left in the inferno ...

FDJ Nimm die Hände aus den Taschen

Immer lebe die Sonne - Пусть всегда будет солнце

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Transmission down

Der Tod - Matthias Claudius - 21.01.1815 - 2022


Der Tod

Ach, es ist so dunkel in des Todes Kammer,
Tönt so traurig, wenn er sich bewegt
Und nun aufhebt seinen schweren Hammer
Und die Stunde schlägt.

Matthias Claudius 1740-1815


Demokratische Volksrepublik Deutschland - DVRD.DDR - Berlin DDR - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF


Brandenburger Tor






DVRD.DDR - Berlin - Königsberg - Kaliningrad - Moskau - RF
Sonderstatus - "Deutsche Bundesländer - Ost"




Berlin DDR
Ho Chi Minh City
Tel Aviv

Buenos Aires
La Paz
Santiago de Chile

DDR Botschaft Moskau - Aussenstelle Tel Aviv


Convoyes de inmigración latina en EE.UU. - Fronteras Sur:


Generalkonsulat Kaliningrad


CUBA - El Commandante Fidel Castro - Commandante Che Guevara

Latein Amerika

SUHIS - Sociedad Histórica de la Unión Soviética - Internacional
Moscu,Berlina,Paris,Roma,Varsovia,Belgrado,Sofia, Lisboa,Barcelona,Madrid,Tel Aviv