under construction

under construction
under construction

Blog in transition

This blog is in transition ! We all want simple living ! Mutual Respect for all !

Hart vol drome - Heart full of Dreams !

Hart vol drome - Heart full of Dreams !

Juanita du Plessis & Theus Jordaan (2012) - a team made in heaven ?


netwerk: Diamond packages: Juanita and Doepie (hubby) don't want to talk about their 'partnership'

Saturday, December 25, 2021

DONBASS - Dort von unsere Brüder und Schwestern dem Feind wehrlos ausgeliefert sind, beschützen wir mit unserem Leben !

Там, где наши братья и сестры беззащитны от врага, мы защищаем их своей жизнью!

Украинские фашисты не смейте причинять вред гражданам России



All we are saying is give peace a chance !

India Time Zone

Time in New Delhi, Delhi, India (GMT+5:30)
